性爱姿势图-撸撸射 皇母训子十诫中英合编
你的位置:性爱姿势图 > ai换脸 色情 > 撸撸射 皇母训子十诫中英合编
撸撸射 皇母训子十诫中英合编
发布日期:2024-08-31 18:29    点击次数:62

撸撸射 皇母训子十诫中英合编

无 极 性 命 图撸撸射


识 自 本 心

见 自 本 性

无 动 无 静

无 生 无 灭

无 去 无 来

无 是 无 非

无 住 无 往



谈 法 无 为    代 天 宣 化

敬 告 同 志          佛 仙 谕 示

止 念 克 欲          尘 根 清 静

一 字 真 经          四 言 七 句

虔 诚 默 念          间 而 不 断

须 臾 不 离          永 久 坚 恒

明 心 见 性          无 上 顿 法

佳 机 良 逢          乐 乎 乐 乎

佛 仙 位 子          如 是 缘 成

信 诚 得 之          不 信 沉 轮








济 公 老 师   慈 训 




寄于 一贯粗造谈场:


咱们修谈修心 咱们办谈精心 



咱们闹心我方 圆融十方


任东谈主糟踏与弹劾 咱们要低下头

咱们打抱起义 咱们伸屈赋闲

咱们谈念毅力 咱们不白燃烧

咱们不白下世上 咱们不白逾期光

虽一东谈主紧系些许百姓性命 敬重我方

不须要彷徨 不须要受我方粉饰











































序                中华民国七十八年             三月廿四日

世界众生们细听我言                打开玄关窍灵光通两门

守住玄关窍定静两眼门                买通玄关窍回光眼神明

世界众生们静不雅金光                为我金光无比灿烂明

守玄去情欲交心颖异出                性命合一体玄关神妙现

序                中华民国七十八年             三月廿四日

众生人性物欲稠浊不解                灵光明悟本有清浊之分

紧守自性方能回应纯清                众孩儿本无分皆所降

不管谁为我都要救助                凡尘里沉迷于四大皆空

身心肠命一再稠浊不断                堕轮复活死活死永无休

贪欣喜图享受好不灾祸                十丈软红看来尽头欢乐

白阳期到众生灾祸难逃                三期末劫刷洗全球已到

挽天地救生灵天时进击                罡风起扫乾坤余勇可贾

贪凡情忘却了死活归路                为我不由得笡泪心伤

望我的原佛子速速转头                速速复返我身旁为

红尘世苦与乐皆东谈主自选                不由我既担忧又心伤

这三期末劫众生难脱苦                望众生能救但有谁能救

信左谈误歪路永堕伤                是以垂天谈救生灵速返

序                中华民国七十八年             三月廿六日

无私无我灵性交与天主                今此告诫孩儿们细细听

末劫时天地万物悉皆毁                为我屡明愿儿昭彰

今时下个个沉醉失灵性                白阳期来这世界将轨则

山也崩地也裂天地劫运                地球气数已尽危急难转

莫要让情欲恶气遍四海                望我儿快觉悟共挽狂涛

速修真回到老我身边                罡风利刷全球天昏地暗

黑漆漆一派什么都不见                千万路唯回理天一条路

回到身旁才是你家园                在理天所居同聚一堂

莫再迷凡尘一同返老家                回到身边共欢笑一堂

如一时心念迷永受陶醉                有七情合六欲本是烦扰

这烦扰生死活死灾荒多                惟有抛开烦扰随从

放下一切随我返家园                今时下运已到转头技艺

众生悲为我护儿泄气                唉! 唉!唉!

三期劫苦世界毁伤悲                想脱劫惟有抛去贪嗔痴

天该尽地该灭气数已尽                唉! 唉!唉!

望我的皇胎儿速当调停                今时下慧眼不雅有谁能救

毁世界大浩劫已在目下                绝五谷受饥寒无有健康

唉! 唉!唉!                               浩劫原由众生贪欲所造

争名利图华贵共毁劫难                普寰球访明师皆得一指

唉! 唉!唉!                               颖异剑斩遭灾名利速去

孩儿们展交心悲愤上前                救! 救!救!

愿众生联袂共挽此世界         切莫让万物生灵都同毁

莫忘叮嘱修谈抛情欲                交心坚贯经久永返理域


皇    训  子  十  诫


微风徐徐拂面来              祥云霭霭拥满怀

彩莲朵朵金光现              仙佛逐渐下天台


诸天圣洁     同侍

驾  步离蓬瀛  进坛参驾  大家沉着冷静   候

批书 各表至诚  予等止机  众勿喧声   哈哈止

四起狼烟              大劫连连

天恩救世           王谈复传                  我乃

四大天王率二十八宿             雷部风部虎部龙部

驾  离了先天  进佛阁  叩拜

天颜  止机不示  侍立双方         哈哈止

八卦九宫都收  大千共登法舟

金身丈六妙果  刚体永世无愁               我乃

八大金刚 护


驾  离西方 参叩

天主  不批训章 哈哈止

盹睡南天门          忘却岁月春

忽闻烟草至          睁眼大翻身

持拐上仙鹿          白鹤随后跟

曲腰又弓背          白首似银针                     吾乃

南极寿星率八仙  侍


驾  离东城  施礼毕  止玉衡      哈哈止

万教发展邪说异端                  神奇异怪烧符真金不怕火丹


仙佛圣洁四贵五盘     共聚东土大会三元


菩提觉路金光一线     渡挽九二达本复原


萨陀无量妙理纯然                  凡尘建功不可迟误

共证大罗仙        我等

万仙菩萨率群仙                   侍

驾  降来佛轩  参叩已毕  分立双方   哈哈止 

考罢东又考西  来来不时  试看智贤愚

试东谈主心辨实虚  无有真志  难以返迷糊

院中集好弟兄  不可迷昧  早早破沉醉

长与幼分次第  重整彝伦  谈德贯中西 我乃

三天主考院长茂田  护

驾  离先天  参叩

  昆玉安  各沉着冷静  我不言      哈哈止

悟玄参真  禅机灵心

师点本来   昆玉超尘         吾乃

悟禅师兄率悟字全班  同护

驾  步离瑶京  进坛参驾  罢手玉衡   哈哈止

茂倡天谈  猛花尘嚣

大千建功  帅众叵朝          我乃

茂猛大帅率茂字全班  护  驾降来    参叩

  未几批排  哈哈止

陶冶九洲  化挽全球

菩提觉路  萨陀泄气          我本

素质菩萨率云字全班  侍

驾  步临崇华  参谒

  未几批发  哈哈止

地泰天清日朗  藏经法华放光

古谈济世化凡乡  佛慈共驾法航     我本

地藏古佛  侍

驾  临佛阁  施礼毕  不批说      哈哈止




  降来佛庭  先叩

无皇  贤徒安宁

批书  各须至诚  天时急紧       实地

而行  奇功大果  早早建成       师徒

联袂  共拜

容   为师所盼   即是此情      哈哈止

关开路通  圣域直登  纯然至善  阳光圆通

吾关圣  纯阳      护

驾  步离乐乡   进坛  参叩  

 侍立两旁  哈哈    哈哈止

手持丈八长枪     法律涓滴不饶

阿谁孽子起义     遇我性命难逃 

法律主 桓侯大帝张    偕同 岳元戎   护

驾 来佛轩  参叩

 侍立两厢    哈哈止 

愁城流孽海流  流来流去不回头  永在愁城流

垂金舟驾金舟  一贯法航四海游  舍此别无舟

我本月慧菩萨   侍

驾 来佛家  施礼已毕  不再批发  众等可好

我未几笽            哈哈止



我本南海菩萨 普贤菩萨 文殊菩萨   侍

无皇 降至尘娑 施礼参叫 未几批发      哈哈止

空修清真礼拜寺  参妙玄机无东谈主知

阿兰经文难了死  速拜真师返瑶熙     我本

回教真神穆罕默德   侍

驾 来佛轩 参叩已毕  止机不说      哈哈止

十字架上身复活  犹太立教奥密多

圣经空示玄真意  传颂诗词作大呼     我本

耶稣基督  侍

真主 降至东土  参

默祷  止机不述    哈哈止

谷神不死藏玄牝  可谈可名即非真

谈德五千未言尽  速拜弓长早归根  吾本

太上老君  侍

驾  来佛宸  施礼毕  不批云      哈哈止

菩提慧觉娑婆诃  波罗蜜多性弥陀

真空非空法无法  如然沉稳是这个    我本

西天如来  侍

驾  降至坛台 参拜已毕  侍立坛阶    哈哈止

穷理尽性至善玄   东谈主欲净尽天理全

穷神知化知其止   定静安虑见本原     我本

大成至圣文宣王孔  侍

驾  来佛庭  参叩

天主   止玉衡  哈哈止

白阳旗幡空中悬   白花飘满天

阳关大路达本原   衣冠品行端

素质万国聚华夏   祖掌三天权

主理执法寰球传   师徒办收圆       我本

白阳教主 儒童金公        随

驾  来佛庭 参谒

  罢手玉衡  哈哈止

祥云瑞彩飘   宝辇离天朝

孺子打宝扇   圣来临东郊         俺

云宝二童 随

驾  来坛中 施礼毕 静听

评     嘻嘻止

想儿痛断肠  无穷悲伤  极乐家乡好悲惨

差尽仙佛临东土   为救原皇

叹迷梦黄粱  愁坏老娘  切身渡世化凡乡

空垂血书千万语   手脚耳旁   我

无皇天主万灵真宰  率诸佛子  来会皇胎

儿女稳立   细听舒怀

今批书 告诫迷孩   三才少静

再批排  先为作序   后批昭彰    停

金笔极少放光毫  玉衡改天换地摇

言言谈破迷津路  字字珠玑醒未觉    噫嘻







直登圣域。今值白阳应运  敕命







不雅 各地佛子。各个多是懈怠。须稍有进行者。确













止机下坛  稍静批书  停

训垂东土指流源    子女返本拜自然

十字街前点灵窍    诫告皇胎力笃前 

一诫告原佛子细听根源                金笔动泄尽了天机妙玄

回忆初天未分模糊未判                查冥冥无东谈主我空空一团

九六忆原佛子先天同聚                无忧愁无烦扰沉稳坦然

仙昆玉仙姊妹身来伴                随来随去不离身边

极乐国任浪漫任性玩耍                乘青龙跨彩凤无量尊荣

不惧寒不惧暑无束无管                无阴阳无对待至理纯然

暇无事任航行先天妙景                闷倦来或棋战或将琴弹

吃的是仙桃果青州从事                穿的是登云鞋仙衣仙衫

论迷糊为圣域至善宝境                静宜应通万化万类根源

自从那交子会气数已到                为我命七佛责罚坤干

万八载气足满天始成就                又待至丑会满地始都备

清气升为天盘布置星辰对什么                浊气降凝为地湖海山川

至寅会天地交日月合照                合阴阳各氤氲万类生全

此即是先天妙开辟之本                迷糊静太极动皇极坤干

谈即理理即谈虚灵之妙                谈生逐个世二二又生三

一册散万殊栽自无入有                其奥妙是贤人亦难尽言

天既成地既立万物都备                东土里无东谈主烟枯竭女男

当时节为我无奈之处                方舍我九六子都落凡间

多次的差原佛东土而下                来一次返一次不愿治凡

无奈何为我造下血酒                三山坡哄醉了菩萨佛男

设一个大仙池都来陶醉                趁便会仙衣鞋收回理天

众佛子酒醒来不见面                又不见仙衣鞋可在那里

为娘我追悼泪原子呼叫                尔众等速东奔莫要再恋

如如若仙衣鞋交与尔等                尔阿谁亦不愿辞世治凡

折树枝合树叶遮寒蔽冷                饿了吃松柏子渴饮清泉

众佛子如掉魂悲哀叹伤                问我至何时方把家还

言答三期末翻开普渡                亲捎书亲寄信亲渡佛原

众儿女心犹疑悲声大放                为我写合仝付与皇原

自此我原佛子东土而奔                治世界为男女栽立东谈主烟

子分各东西好不酸心                自此我众佛子受尽磨折

于今时掏指算六万年载                每想儿辞世苦心难安

今时下运已至为降谈                差弥勒与弓长普渡收圆

前后的简直语逐个说尽                望我的原佛子速求真传

登上了金涌现随天返                不觉悟坠愁城永难身翻

言至此不由我痛泪下滚                只得是稍止机再为批全停

天评论述圣脉传                    号召三佛办收圆

若还不求自然渡                    历劫千生身难翻

再诫告原佛子洗耳听真                今本是三期劫苦不胜云

天该老地该残气数已尽                为我岂忍得伤损儿身

开文运垂觉路撒下金线                阐天谈称一贯贯满坤干

差弥勒掌天盘万旁反正                命自然掌谈盘灵妙化身

赐大权掌号召万神助谈                代天宣飞鸾化诸佛诸真

先天里不留仙佛圣洁                众菩萨众仙真俱投凡尘

论天大论地大惟命大                顺者昌逆者一火天渊之分

此一次开普渡亘古无有                永劫的真奇缘巧遇此春

上渡仙下渡鬼中渡善信                收千门收万教同反正根

传末后一着鲜天机奥密                得一指开金锁现出金身

先传言古合仝灵山原证                次点这玄关窍正阳秘诀

再传这无字经通天使咒                念动了仙佛圣来护儿身

得天谈天榜上英名高挂                阴曹中拘了账脱出苦轮

朝闻谈夕死可凭此一指                指出来无价宝直返瑶琳

上上乘一步超至简至近                脱凡体成圣体极乐长春

并非是空口说真凭真证                况兼这假色身可解释分

各不挺夏不臭面孔划定                此本是脱皮囊得证金身

如不信命真灵来坛可证                事事真件件实岂有虚云

真天谈真天命三界无二                有谈统祖家传直到而今

二九盘收束起弓长应运                在家中如落发火宅僧东谈主

今时下真机展大量天地                诸天使众仙佛共下东林

各处里施显化惊醒迷子                或飞鸾或借窍亲渡原真

愁城中驾法船渡挽九二                三天事东谈主间办天借东谈主云

各应当加慇勤孜孜精进                替天传代天化助尔师尊

谈赖东谈主而宏展东谈主赖天佑                天东谈主接遍及泼建建功勋

现如今朔方谈开化已久                难选这大栋梁真中之真

故此的为我今垂十诫                催促我好儿女一齐石友

修天谈离不了开阐渡化                发婆心用苦口不倦诲东谈主

必须要立定了冲天大愿                贵乎汝施行办正己成东谈主

挂虚名图悦目尸位素餐                像如斯难以返极乐家门

又或是假面具跋扈偷安                终久来势必是陨落陶醉

忽去处忽作辍一噎止餐                打残灵压阴山永难翻身

望我的原佛子早些快醒                猛勇进贯经久定然成真

外功满内功圆速速渡化                上乘位千叶莲立于凡尘

任儿是大罗仙佛祖降世                无真功无实善难返瑶琳

劝再不可不愿发愤                如如若慢一步难建功勋

为魁首为坛主职守紧要                一东谈主愚万东谈主坠悮己悮东谈主

如如若一东谈主明颖异雄伟                能引贤能调众万东谈主成真

今晓示事业东谈主坛主魁首                各应当发矍铄勤上加勤

设何法能渡得迷津登岸                用何法能催众都发真心

心要似行云变意如活水                随高下随方圆能屈能伸

和而流是大过依理为准                扫贪嗔断痴爱寂然法身

功愈高位愈险平常严慎                登极峰坠下来万丈渊深

飞得高跌得重一定之理                又岂可明智子作了痴东谈主

畏三畏念念九念念言行相顾                遵三省守四勿方是贤真

遵训令登圣域极乐长享                不治服任己意地狱藏身

又批了一篇语佛子牢记                三才息稍静坐再垂训文

惟谈独尊我独尊                    生克制化老因素

三界十方为主                    养育圣凡一灵根

三诫告原佛子心肠早明                悟真谛参天谈真空不空

有即无无即有有无一册                色是空空是色非色非空

想当初气未分模糊未判                一团理无声臭杳杳冥冥

迷糊动太极现阴阳评定                分三才分四相又化五行

判六侯列七政九宫八挂                分顺逆现盈虚万类尽生

论奥妙谈虚无几个能懂                这真谛古灵光至虚至清

无阴阳无对待不增不减                又无形又无像又非顽空

非青红非寒暑非动非静                万化源真玄机隐于此中

费隐间无色相至玄至妙                视勿见听弗闻弥罗色空

不动变不显章粗造而化                真诈欺大重要造化万灵

高无上超九重色空除外                渊无下裹地狱九幽十冥

贯乾坤贯三界无处不贯                天与地合万类离此成空

强曰谈称真一挽化天地                此本是真起头迷糊根恒

谈在天天廓清棋盘动转                布星辰对什么运日月一气流行

谈在地地凝结山川润育                生万有长万物赖一而成

谈在东谈主东谈主得生知觉动转                东谈主有谈不知有故难超生

三教理无有二皆钦命                来传谈本传这虚无妙灵

谈金丹释舍利儒曰天性                皆本是此灵光名异理同

千古来无二法谈无二谈                仙佛圣传心印一册同宗

明一法知万法法法尽晓                千佛经万圣书一理领略

自三圣亏损后涅槃止渡                断涌现不传玄教存于东

于今时三千载无东谈主明晓                邪途出万教展真谛未明

今时下开普渡应天承运                龙华会开天选大展宗风

上连接迷糊秘三圣奥旨                下开启众生等同把舟登

上上乘真妙诀谁能明晓                想觅真求弓长天谈得成

得天谈速行功修真藉伪                谈虽空空不了万有成空

东谈主生世如海中一粒粟米                随潮来随潮去不分西东

酒色财迷住了原来佛性                贪七情染六欲蔽住本灵

欲海波无停止情枷爱锁                贪欣喜恋华贵名利网绳

石中火闪电光岂肯长久                如昙花闪一闪孽果结成

迷东谈主们他岂悟红尘是假                认其苦认为乐如同蚁蝇

百年间是三万六千余日                不想想能几时身得安宁

少而壮壮而老老而归尽                这酸甜合苦辣好不伤情

布帛菽粟与苦谁能脱过                一滑眼幼儿童白首成翁

赤手来赤手去一文难带                只落得一孤坟灵赴幽冥

何论你华贵爵奖惩判定                了因果畜转东谈主东谈主转禽兽

自寅会于今时数万年载                循环苦永无止悲惨难评

这窍出那窍东谈主改房换舍                张家男李家女场场成空

愈编削而愈迷日流污下                忘却了先天娘素性无生

东谈主之本先天降灵山一脉                圣不增凡不减圣凡同宗

觉悟者成圣贤身登极乐                迷昧者是凡庸陨落幽冥

这贤人俱都是凡东谈主来作                未尝见生成就仙佛神明

望我的众儿女早明真伪                醒迷路拜真师还源归宗

批至此三才倦罢手机管                三才者充果腹再为品评停

真真假假假假真                       真假悟透定超尘

尘凡建功广宣化                       化世归根同求真

四诫告原佛子修真为强                这红尘是愁城海浪茫茫

东谈主生世如蜉蝣朝生暮丧                有阿谁能脱得十殿阎王

竟日里苦劳碌南奔北闯                又好比是牛马来奔荒场

数十年之光景生老病丧                百般景万般事花露草霜

争名利图华贵死活流浪                贪娇妻恋爱子大梦一场

论红尘悲惨世苦不可讲                有七情合六欲迷住儿郎

任儿等置下了家财万贯                田千顷收万石日食升粮

任儿等盖高堂大厦宽广                亦不外眠八尺难卧两床

任儿等有金银堆如山广                归阴去岂肯把一文来装

任儿等穿绸缎衣服鲜亮                也不外遮寒暑以御饱经世故

任儿等食可口酒菜异样                图口腹杀生灵罪孽难搪

任儿等日作乐心舒意爽                百年间昏如梦弹指时光

任儿等好妻妾俊俏儿女                阴世路四贬责好不悲惨

叹一声五乱世痛泪下落                望我的皇胎子莫迷心地

凡尘世好比是游玩之场                谁是爷谁是孙谁是女娘

如如若能觉悟合家素养                同业功同树德同返仙乡

在后天修真谈一家祥瑞                功成后到先天同聚一堂

这奇缘这奥妙古未现相                只能悲世迷东谈主不惺黄粱

为名者至一品王位还想                为利者赚百万不及心地

只管贪只管恋全不念念想                忘却了死活路来见阎王

能觉悟早修真先天而往                不觉悟迷心肠地狱悲惨

这天渊分二路一念所想                如一时心念差永受悲伤

阴曹里苦情处一言难讲                孽镜台照一照毕露罪殃

如作善还算好来生福享                福尽时终须坠岂肯久长

若作孽不上算口难辩讲                照罪孽上刑法我方去搪

有刀山有油锅刑法异样                大锯解铁磨研狗食血汤

奈河内陨落了老幼新秀                十八层地面狱令东谈主惨伤

拿起来这苦处难以再讲                不由我泪珠滚落满胸膛

一腐烂千古恨实是此样                失东谈主身永不流难返仙乡

劝修天谈精神振爽                立坚志冲天愿心似金刚

尔九祖在循环昼夜守望                盼尔等行善事洒脱汪洋

一念差坠下去不算奈何                遭灾了上祖宗哀哭阴世

压阴山六万载多么苦状                等下元遇普渡再登慈航

如如若当时节佳期赶上                能否知转东谈主身得求玄黄

总不如趁今时西天速往                醒迷路随 我复返瑶邦

批至此稍静坐再为坛上                止机管训满意再参再详

天运迭转末三秋                   三灾八难随处流

九九浩劫谁能脱                   救世惟凭一贯舟

五诫告原佛子躬践实修                明时机识天意方是贤俦

今本是末劫日谈劫双降                改乾坤整江山卦象添抽

论为本来是仁慈为本                却为何这大劫降下东畴

尔不想亘古来大劫何有                尧舜禹圣安邦得乐悠悠

东谈主心正天心顺有何劫降                东谈主心狞恶孽招浩劫横流

不雅凡尘这习气日流污下                古圣贤法纪礼无东谈主追求

学奸贪讲诡诈坑崩诱拐                败东谈主伦坏纲常一言难究

君不君臣不臣朝纲难整                父不父子不子世风卑劣

夫不义妇失规仁德摧残                兄不宽弟不忍结为冤仇

交一又友失信用言行不顾                五伦坠八德废再不追求

为士者只说理不按理作                为农者挪桑界真谛未究

为工者他不讲精勤坚朴                为商者卖伪物诓哄愚流

僧家子失却了三皈五戒                谈家子变左旁处死全丢

儒士子读外相假自称圣                不雅一不雅不由我悲在心头

今时下如果是无此劫降                举世上再无有一个贤俦

降三灾布八难武器水火                九九劫八十一大量全球

差来了五大魔东土大闹                设万法定连环恶孽来收

天数至地数满气数已到                亦是那东谈主犯科夙结冤仇

六万年大计帐应于斯世                分玉石分善恶各地插筹

用慧目不雅一不雅抽噎下滚                见恶雾冲云汉滚滚横流

遍四海起妖风无有安祥                战斗起盗匪乱十东谈主九愁

疫疠劫饥荒劫旱涝不等                普寰球绝五谷寸草不收

这种灾那种难不为奇论                最怕这水火风刷洗全球

黑七七四十九无有日月                开阴曹放阴魂都把命拘

黑漆漆阴沉森冷光满世                都索债命还命债将钱酬

罡风降扫乾坤并扫天地                扫格式刷三界另换重要

任儿是金刚体铜铁打就                难脱我真劫火性命难留

自然是这浩劫为降下                在先天昼夜里抽噎长流

不忍得这兰艾俱焚不判                垂金线现灵光海巨匠舟

千条路万条路有无生路                逢生路唯一贯天谈速求

为念我众儿女东颠西跑                捎千书垂万信屡屡东投

怕恐怕伤了我皇胎儿女                故此的苦苦告来把函修

叫一声贡献儿贤良之女                速速的快上岸加功进修

得天谈再不可三心二意                颖异剑斩遭灾名利速丢

若恋凡又岂知世界是假                用目不雅这世上愁也不愁

任儿有千步伐万种妙计                到其时不由尔身赴劫流

十分中死七分三分受害                只死得血成河骨堆山丘

如如若贪凡情背理忘圣                九九劫打残灵地狱来囚

想脱劫想逃一火速建功果                为我命仙佛护儿泄气

觉悟者随我迷糊而返                不觉悟遭造劫打入牢囚

诸佛子都送驾率侍回返                至彼处赓续批金石垂留退

明明一颗珠        天主赐儿储        无皇垂觉路

指迷路        我造物真主

无皇老   率侍卫驾莅东土     佛子分立听娘批书

真谈真谛真天命                   修者还须真心行

一念之差沉远                   临渊屐薄战兢兢

六诫告原佛子金钟迅敲                老无生想身女心如火烧

傻孩儿迷心肠不听娘语                将娘书抛一旁不不雅不瞧

麻痹子顽梗子实实难化                费精心用悉力屡下无影无踪

为谋划三期事作难之甚                差千佛命万祖都降东郊

用千方并万计不见功效                多次的寄血书心亦枉劳

可贵我无生悲声大放                念念一念念想一想泪如雨浇

急一急停了渡不再化世                舍不得原佛子珠泪双抛

因此今又修血书十诫                诫告我原佛子速醒尘牢 

论世上这百行以孝为首                失子孝称什么修谈硬人

望儿女切不可娘前我孝                娘嘱语遵依行即是贤僚

是孝子何用娘再三言告                亦应当体意虔代

从今后立标杆速速修谈                念慈亦当念尔之本家

四海内皆昆玉速当调停                先正己后正东谈主化渡尘嚣

己欲立而立东谈主天谈之本                己欲达而达东谈主化醒未觉

先觉者化后觉同登觉路                为前东谈主打精神升迁后学

拉东谈主者必须要拉上觉路                救东谈主者救到底方是杰豪

渡一个成一个方合意                万不可渡上岸不把心操

今时下天时进击紧之甚                速建功速培德开阐谈苗

紧前行种得速能结大果                迟一步种得慢虚花成泡

修天谈更岂论清寒华贵                岂论干岂论坤皆应勤劳

贫舍身富舍财可把谈办                财法施福慧圆清洪双爵

急速开急速阐切勿迟怠                再逗留赶严霜难建功劳

能文者作文用替天行谈                能武者传音问驱驰尘劳

助东谈主力助财力见谈成谈                皇天恩本无私德无不包

论天谈办谈子决无作用                亦非是魁首子有何巧招

修谈子全本是洪誓大愿                指佛食赖佛穿雷击难逃

皆本是为救世东颠西跑                仙佛圣他尚且受尽苦劳

俱都是奉命普化九六                真天谈有真证非是虚描

如如若我天谈有了缺点                尔洪誓为担非哄儿曹

娘何愿出此言增儿罪恶咳            迷昧子虽如斯疑谤滚滚

今时下建功果万八圣业                享清福享洪福欢乐浪漫

抖抖神壮恭维一往直奔                拼上命亦要修大志坚牢

或成立佛堂地第一大善                或开荒或下种莫大功劳

如如若遵训开荒下种                命仙佛助儿力功成谈高

现如今天谈在忽明忽暗                恰巧是立奇功以显硬人

因时机因济化提神为妙                真天谈在暗取舍取贤僚

面前下天开科阿谁知道                希圣贤希仙真在己勤劳

三千六四万八全然有份                行得迟走得慢枉自号啕

昭彰了时机运随回返                不识时生痴心大劫难逃

望佛子知而行速速宣化                静静心坐一时再批描停

无缝金锁无缝塔                     无缝锁匙开开他

明师极少因莫大                     无价真宝放光华

七诫告原佛子珠泪满腮                为挂我皇胎子久迷尘埃

在先天日郂里悲哀叹伤                哭断肝痛断肠想碎心胸

儿不醒与为娘有何妨碍                怕的是娇生子遭了浩劫

勭速速醒修身立命                体意念师恩方是贤才

这师恩一教唆杀身难报                重如山恩似海时记心胸

若不受师教唆岂肯脱苦                又岂肯了死活不受浩灾

上超祖下荫孙全凭师力                各应当报大恩遵师安排

修谈子如如若相背师命                遭天谴受五雷九祖同哀

遵师命重谈办方为贤士                学温良恭俭让夷易近人

尽东谈主谈合天谈敦伦尽性                施礼节守纲常中正庄斋

男遵着五伦理八德常守                女遵着三从行四德勿歪

学忠信行仁义大德速立                对谈亲如手足皆皇胎

再不可嫌这那彼贤此愚                乾坤谈贫与富分袂辱骂

为魁首能包含装山藏海                时率领后学辈同把谈开

男儿汉能屈伸能忍能耐                涉山水受饱经世故永无怨怀

闻功惧闻过喜不善则改                若如斯方称得顶天良才

为后学敬前东谈主齐心缓和                为前东谈主提后进宽量心胸

今时下天时紧各当努力                勿负金石语屡指皇胎

东谈主非圣谁无过有过必改                知过者不自新难返瑶台

先行功后作过此功不算                前有事后有功两得清开

如如若改前过再建功果                自然是功记功不负贤才

功多着过处少天盘注定                过处多功果少打落浩灾

先天账如斯算各有交待                未行功先自新方是栋才

亘古来修天谈原非易事               今时下较古比另有安排

宽恩施大德乾坤调停                故此的佛规宽减少魔灾

现如今修天谈容易得很                又不受浩劫处又不罹难

自然是受贫窭南颠北跑                渡回我原佛子赐莲台

自然是受饱经世故寒暑之苦                一份苦一份功尊荣光霭

自然是受谛毁惹东谈主心厌                到其时智愚贤自然分开

自然是含冤屈三纲五常                上皇天有定权定然表白

自然是不争强亦不好胜                存其心养其性菩提花开

自然是受魔考有顺有逆                不受魔不成佛理也应该

自然是恶者强善者为弱                今本是报应日扫尽恶乖

自古来修大路必有魔害                善事修贬低兴谈高毁来

亦并非是他谤冤孽过大                无根基岂肯担千叶莲台

福薄东谈主命小辈心肠难定                纵得交心必退难返蓬莱

儿莫说修谈子他是疯傻                实地行立奇功名扬尘埃

儿不想三教圣开化立教                苦受尽清洪享长期不衰

于今时三千载东谈主天热爱                谈成天名垂世多么光彩

当时节还本是谈盘查补                何况今化三曹普渡翻开

三千六立白阳庙猊英武                四万八享俎豆清洪都来

进者贤行者圣贵乎实办                光于前裕于后善德永栽

能奉行登天品否者陨落                三才等静静坐再批排停

永劫奇缘奥妙多                   三期末劫开天科

三元运会龙华选                   考拔佛子证大罗

八诫告原佛子心酸肉麻                不雅一不雅众儿女不醒尘沙

认假乐受真苦昼夜劳碌                对天谈作社交无有空暇

几多是贪凡情背理忘圣                几多是怕魔考心志欠安

这真谈有真考亘古之理                考得是金刚志好意思玉无瑕

玉不琢不成器此话不假                真黄金经百真金不怕火方显光华

一颗树作楝梁斜枝必去                造工程盖高楼地基必砸

将东谈主物来比较雷同如是                受打击受磋商颖异好发

家疼痛方显出真心孝子                国度乱方显这贤人精华

疾风中显劲草尽然不假                无考据不见实真伪相杂

修谈子若论来亦非一个                屈指算难备载稍为表发

曾铭刻姜太公来卖白面                受魔考真金不怕火心肠各样欠安

文王子在羑厘囚困七载                他何常不知道定数所辖

还有这孔丘子亦受浩劫                过宋卫受厄难削迹檀伐

在陈蔡绝粮草整整七日                东谈主视圣如疯傻难谈难笽

邱长春修谈时多么之苦                饿死了七二次心志倍加

妙善女为修谈要斩要绞                孙不二油锅烹面貌成麻

今时下较古来修谈比较                这魔考轻百分沉稳无辖

磨真金不怕火得原来是大根大器                魔真金不怕火得真佛性大显光华

仙佛圣之路线由斯而立                识得透解得破极乐得达

我定妙计妙中又妙                将风云遮门面外暗内华

修天谈如果是无有魔考                这酒肆烟花辈均返娑婆

无有考怎分得愚贤真假                又谁肯让谁先危坐莲花

慢说是得天爵有考有验                得东谈主爵十年苦金花头插

众不晓多退志难为于我                不由我放悲声抽噎滴沙

多次的为儿女捎书寄信                捎一次又一次不解根芽

再三嘱再三告为何不醒                如如若违训阴山来压

叫一声众儿女旱明心肠                任千魔合万考心无疵瑕

守善谈贯经久恒心久志                存至诚魔自息无可驳杂

古时来修大路航海梯山                抛家产弃细君游走海角

游千山合万水真宗难遇                将铁鞋踏破了难觅真法

受千折合万魔灾荒言尽                心至诚感动了真东谈主点化

练习得尽然是真真无假                这方才归古洞煆真金不怕火黄芽

功三千果八百得成正果                亦不外归气天暂得欣喜

现今时修天谈多么容易                先受点后再修立化尘沙

此本是应机现非时不泄                开恩半修仙半顾俗家

现如今天时紧轻凡重圣                用慇勤富厚地不可偷暇

写一篇血书语望儿醒吧                这非是劝世文闲聊闲笽

为儿女将心血操得碎乱                诸佛子紧紧记广阐佛法

批至此止机管三才稍静                为我再上坛再画盘沙停

心非天边明明镜                   性非雪里开梅花

不住纤尘真空现                   白嫩无染光至华

九诫告原佛子抽噎下滴                只为我皇胎子胆掉心提

论谈路有千条全然非正                若不登金涌现难返迷糊

今时下歪路兴万教都起                怕的是皇胎子悮被东谈主迷

这千门合万户全是降                先传书后送信好知三期

时不至不降天谈一贯                又只见众儿女心肠久迷

故此的撒歪路朝天拜顶                锁心猿拴意马行善修积

但等着真天谈收圆普渡                共前来求真师同返故西

非今时不泄天机玄语                今本是收圆时万教归一

降谈化三千赐名一贯                渡三曹挽四海共上云梯

我言言真毫无虚语                有笔据存证验可察实虚

这三教归一理一归何处                由一册散万殊一从何起

要修交心明晓根柢来路                不解晓真来路怎返瑶西

收圆法传的是上乘玄妙                永劫的罕有事现于三期

如不信我还大一理再证                将三教大摘要提上一提     

此真一本来是先天之理                儒贯一释归一谈德守一

明心肠不雅沉稳佛家所讲                存心肠克复功儒之修基

修心肠以复命谈德所真金不怕火                此心肠本来是至灵至虚

谈德修常寂然三品一理                儒士真金不怕火知定静天理不昧

佛讲得空与静一合理相                皆本是由静修性合迷糊

讲三皈守五戒佛家所体                三花聚五气朝谈家根基

行三纲守五常儒士之礼                今时下所传的三教合一

一不杀真缓和木气返本                二不盗守中义今气凝集

三不淫守礼节真火真金不怕火性                四不酒有颖异真水既济

五不妄守信用村炮归本                五气朝五戒清五常俱都

这三教本来是无有二理                如有二即非正谈路必歧

自伏羲一画开现出真易                此本是天谈降根柢之基

青阳会命燃灯倒装降世                暗选了二亿子复返迷糊

至红阳命释迦又化凡世                又渡回二亿子也返故西

青红期共渡了四亿佛子                剩下了九二亿愁城永迷

现如今白阳展弥勒应运                命自然掌谈盘普化中西

先天里不留仙佛圣洁                都转世共化世扶持圣基

先渡贫后渡富再渡官宦                渡贵爵渡万国同登天梯

今时下天时紧速加努力                各应当发矍铄宣化启迷

论天大论地大惟谈为大                天命大命大至灵杰出

如如若遵训语施行而办                为我命仙佛护儿安逸

往自后这事关多多紧要                不久的天时至大显真机

这千门合万教地面普展                念符咒呼风雨飞沙走石

指天开指地裂搬山倒海                跨板凳能上天妖法更奇

五行遁阴阳法腾云驾雾                各样的妖怪术亦难尽提

到这时可望我佛子牢记                如随他失灵光永受凄厉

此本是天数定三期发现                此内中定妙计灵验意

原来这大主权为执掌                至其时号召下法术尽息

万仙阵再来看侵扰之甚                笨男儿合疯东谈主神通广极

拿杏黄号召旗空中一摆                呼一声诸神退各归班级

法亦无术亦无圣洁不助                空赤赤一敌手难以复敌

万歪路拜弥勒同归一理                扶古佛现佛光谈贯三极

华贵东谈主也到把清寒来拜                谈德展贯全球中外同下

大智的原佛子速速下手                莫恭候舟行江补漏则迟

批至此三才倦罢手金管                多静坐为我再为细批停

时至云城翻绽放                   对上三宝是原皇

八大金刚咸严现                   口令错了打泉黄

十诫告原佛子书信写全                收圆事多紧要勿作戏玩

三极谈传一理佛子登岸                普寰球遍全球共现款莲

论大路分三乘真谛为上                理上乘气中乘下乘象谈

论太空还有天此语不假                理迷糊气太极皇极坤干

迷糊境为圣域极乐清净                太极界为贤关法轮周还

皇极土为凡庸动植飞潜                由三乘方分出圣贤俗凡

修元神真金不怕火性理上乘至妙                降龙虎转法轮中乘参禅

言下乘实难讲着形着象                这敲打合念唱总难超凡

现如今出世法末后一着                闻者成得者超希圣希贤

一十八赤子童中州坐定                向霹雳惊醒了地面坤干

将万国与九洲全然渡尽                千圣洁万仙佛共聚华夏

三曹清会一案白阳立定                刷尽了恶孽子尽留良贤

将愁城化成了莲花宝国                这东土要改成净土西天

活佛世四十载本旨无穷                断屠宰归善路物各生全

你也敬我也爱再无争斗                五日风旬日雨挽回尧天

现钟灵现毓秀麟凤现野                海波息庆升平共庆熟年

诸佛祖各了愿九六渡尽                弥勒祖登宝台点将封仙

皇胎子脱愁城共登此岸                自然子率原东谈主共朝佛颜

至此时为我心才放下                各个的大功子喜在心间

某某东谈主首开荒鳌头独占                某某东谈主建奇功位升魁元

某某东谈主财法施高升上品                某某东谈主舍身办上乘尊荣

某某东谈主立佛堂金仙得坐                某某东谈主代天化给予小脚

某某东谈主尽苦心仙班得列                某某东谈主多慇懃升赏魁岸

到当时辰三乘九品来列                有功的众佛子皆大心爱

不归空在红尘外王内圣                享欣喜享华贵沉稳坦然

归空的众佛子西天而返                脱凡胎成圣礼大罗金仙

速穿上仙一稔金光灿烂                插金花戴仙帽云鞋生莲

拜见我无生用手拉起                叫一声娇生子本日才还

从今后不教你东土而奔                再也不为凡东谈主苦受磨折

吃仙桃与仙果青州从事                喜迷糊乐难尽欢乐魁岸

显一显神通广贯彻天地                用一用仙家妙旋转坤干

真法身日月照无影无痕                入水火不焚溺永寿魁岸

不被这天与地阴阳辖管                不惧风不惧霜不怕暑寒

穿金石无拦阻无束无管                来无影去无踪游遍三天     

尔九玄尔七祖共同脱苦                尔几品他几品共现威严

群佛子迷糊宫设下筵宴               龙华集聚群真圣神佛仙

一各个俱前来朝拜我                只喜得老无生有口难分

斟一杯菩提酒给予儿等                众佛子食仙筵欢乐魁岸

大团圆大概聚本旨无穷                迷糊宫饱读掌笑喜地欢天

方显出修天谈至尊至贵                不亏我苦心子顶天良贤

书批此已齐全收回金管                将语印心中竟日虔虔

此书名是皇训子十诫                静一静为我再垂几言

书训垂留镇中华                        广阐宣布渡善家

良贤共登菩提岸                        儿女功竣坐莲花

复提机叮嘱又叮嘱                        告佛子施行切施行

望儿女心精心多尽                        唤皇胎启迷启瞆聋

极乐国今时悲惨甚                        为救世仙佛共临东

四亿子共同投凡界                        今时下谁晓谁根恒

抓门帘得见真故主                        追悔时跺足又捶胸    

切不可佳光错过了                        金鸡唱大路世界宏

趁此时半明与半暗                        遵训步步实地行

此书训抄写多有错                        下坛后笔下速改更

抄成后此书速刋印                        多印刷方合为

立善事速劝速渡化                        挽众生共出水火坑

娘批完话语不下判                        率佛子乘辇返瑶京

去而来难割又难舍                        问佛子是否心施行

这此语抽噎滴滴落                        之语莫当马耳东风

天渊路尽由儿女走                        生懈怠永坠万丈坑

不再判别了众儿女                        哭啼啼为返理庭



The Wu-ji True Self and Life Map


That know the True Heart

See the True Self

No motion no stillness

No birth no vanishing

No going no coming

No right no wrong

No dwelling no drifting




The practice of Tap is Wu-wei,*

Preach for Heaven;

Inform fellow practitioners,

The revelation of Buddhas;

Cease thoughts and overcome desires,

Be pure and tranquil in all senses;

The One Word Sutra

Has four words in each of the seven verses;

Recite in silence faithfully

Without interruptions;

Deviate not even a moment,

Be tenacious and persistent;

Enlightening the True Heart and seeing the True Self,

The supreme way of sudden realization;

Encountering such a golden opportunity,

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Buddhahood and Immortality,

Is so attained with fate;

The faithful devotees can attain,

The non-believers will drawn.



*Wu-wei is the state of having no desires or thoughts.






The Merciful Admonishment of the Enlightened

Teacher, Ji-Gong Buddha

The First of March in the Chinese Lunar Calendar,

The Seventy-Seventh Year of the Republic of China,

The Sixteenth of April,

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Eight


To the I-Kuan Wu-wei Arena of Tao:


We practice Tao by cultivate our hearts; we propagate Tao with our best;

We do not compare with others;

We do not compete with others;

We make concessions to accommodate the ten directions;

We are the bridge between the sea of suffering and the World of Bliss;

We are fearless for we are just; we are flexible;

Our faith in Tao is firm; we do not sacrifice in vain;

Even one person can hinge lives of many, so respect yourself;

Do not hesitate; do not hinder yourself;

Establish a right objective;

Let thousands of people ascend steadily;

Let thousands of people receive the light of mercifulness;

Let thousands of people bathe in the great grace of Heaven;

Let thousands of people transcend from the sea of suffering;

Let thousands of people’s nine generations of ancestors and seven generations of descendents receive all of these together.


This poem was written by an inspired elementary school girl at an Altar seeded by the I-Kuan Wu-wei Arena in south Texas, U.S.A. on the first of March in the Chinese lunar calendar, the Seventy-Seventh year of the Republic of China, as she attained great wisdom soon after she received Tao and vowed to be a vegetarian. She also swore that this poem was not written in her own will but the admonishment of our Enlightened Teacher撸撸射, Ji-Gong Buddha.



The Wu-wei virtuous have the heart of goodness but without the appearance of superiority. Their virtue is enough to govern the world, yet they are not arrogant. Their words and actions are enough to be passed on to future generations, and none of their words or actions are imperfect. Therefore, the virtuous have great virtues but being humble, lower themselves to accommodate others, and go with the trend but not being influenced by it. Even they are in a low status, people still support them; they do not wish to be esteemed, yet is it possible?



Furthermore, the virtuous esteem virtues and exhaust the Truth to the extent of broadness and fineness. They are extremely prudent and cautious, understand the principle of yin and yang, help humans and the whole world, and cover their aureoles to mingle with the common. They wait for the Saint and cultivate commoners. These are the doctrine of the mean, an  Tao is complete in this way.



Written in the Jiu-hua Central Altar of the I-Kuan Wu-wei Arena of Tao, Kowloon, Hong-Kong

The Third of September in the Chinese Lunar Calendar,

The Thirty –Eighth Year of the Republic of China



The Song of the I-Kuan Wu-wei Youngsters




The Wu-wei youngsters, hurriedly prepare to have the complete great wisdom, great benevolence, and great courage;

Hold the artery of the new stage; stand in the forefront of the great era;

Do not be infatuated by wealth and high positions; do not be shakened by poverty; do not succumb to power;

We must protect the safety of our Patriarch;

We must maintain the continuity of the Heritage of Tao;

We must realize the Utopia and true Confucianism;

We must fulfill the vow that the world belongs to all;

We must fulfill the responsibility of freeing the livelihoods of the whole world;

We are the guardians of the continuity of the Heritage of Tap;

We are the vanguards of the pole in the stream for tens of thousands of future generations…….

The Wu-wei youngsters, hurriedly prepare to have the complete great wisdom, great benevolence, and great courage.




Jiu-hua Central Altar of the I-Kuan Wu-wei Arena of Tao,


The Nineth of September in the Chinese Lunar Calendar,

The Thirty-Eighth Year of the Republic of China

Written by the Keeper of the Jiu-Hua Altar



Foreword by Lao-Mu



March 24 in the 78th year of Republic of China:

All beings in the world, listen to Lao-Mu Me carefully;

Point to your Right Portal, your two windows can be cleared;

Hold on to your Right Portal, your two eyes will be calmed;

Open the Right Portal, shine the eyes.

All beings in the world, look at Lao-Mu My light;

Lao-Mu My light is infinitely bright.

Concentrate on your Right Portal, you can rid of the Human Nature, bring out the True Nature, and reveal your divine wisdom.

Unite the True Self and life into one, you’ll realize the mystic nature of the Right Portal.


March 25 in the 78th year of Republic of China:

The aureole of the True Self, affected by desires for materialism in Hou-tien, can not be full and bright;

Therefore, there is the distinction between pure and filthy.

You must hold on firmly to the True Selves and restore it to the original state of purity.

All beings are equal, so do not distinguish between one and another.

Lao-Mu I want to rescue everyone, regardless who he is.

If you continue to indulge in the seven emotions, six desires, and the mortal world,

Your heart and body will be contaminated.

You’ll fall into the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

All beings who hanker after pleasure will be tragic.

The present world appears rather gay.

But, until the arrival of the White Yang Period, all beings will suffer in miseries

For the Final Catastrophe has arrived.

Hurriedly save the world, humans and all beings.


Lao-Mu I said when the Final Catastrophe arrives, the entire world will face massive destructions which cannot be redeemed by humans.

People are so lost that they forget about returning Home;

So Lao-Mu My heart is broken.

Lao-Mu I hope all beings will quickly return to my side.

Come Back to My side, Lao-Mu I will be very happy.

It is up to all beings to choose either happiness or sadness.

Lao-Mu I am worried as well as grievous

Because the arrival of the Final Catastrophe will bring disasters to this world; all beings will be in anguish.

Lao-Mu I hope the entire world can be saved, but who can save all beings and the whole world?

If your turn to heresies, Lao-Mu I will be very sad.

Therefore, Lao-Mu I want to save the souls of all beings.


March 26 in the 78th year of Republic of China:

Be selfless and devote yourself to God.

Being admonishing.

Many beings will soon be destroyed.

Lao-Mu I come to tell you plainly;

Many people have lost their souls.

When the White-Yang Period arrives, the present world will end.

The sky crumbles, earth cracks, and all beings will be destroyed.

The planet Earth is in dire danger.

Lao-Mu I said do not let the world be filled with the seven emotions and six desires.

All beings must rescue the world.

Lao-Mu I repeatedly urge all beings to return to My side.

Clouds of dust darken the sky during the Final Catastrophe.

It will be so dark that nothing is visible.

Lao-Mu My children, quickly return to Heaven of Truth.

Return to Lao-Mu My side, your real Home.

All beings’ real Home is in the Heaven of Truth where Lao-Mu I reside.

Hurriedly return to Heaven, do not linger in the mortal world.

Hurriedly return to Lao-Mu My side.

Whoever is attached to this world is destined to drown.

The seven emotions and six desires cause many anxieties.

These anxieties will bring endless sufferings.

Toss away anxieties and follow Lao-Mu Me,

Leave everything behind to follow Lao-Mu Me,

Lao-Mu I ask all beings to return to My side.

All beings are in miseries and need help from Lao-Mu Me.

Sigh! Sigh! Sigh!

Lao-Mu I fell very grievous because the entire world will be destroyed by the Final Catastrophe of the Third Period.

Discard everything, including greed, anger, and infatuation.

Otherwise, the entire universe, all matters, and all beings will be annihilated.

Sigh! Sigh! Lao-Mu I hope all beings can awake and rescue this world.

But who can rescue this world now?

For this world will soon be destroyed.

Famines will prevail all over the world and humans will be in peril.

Sigh! Sigh!

Sigh! Sigh!

All disasters are brought about by emotions and desires.

Hedonism will destroy oneself.

All in the world will seek the Enlightened Teacher for the pointing.

Sigh! Lao-Mu I repeatedly urge children to rid of emotions and desires.

Children, reveal your True Nature and turn sadness into courage.

Save, save, save,

Lao-Mu I hope you will save this world

To avoid all being destroyed.

Lao-Mu I exhort repeatedly that all beings must rid of emotions and desires. Pervade your practice from the beginning to the end to return to the Heaven of Truth.

















The translation of

Ten admonishments




The Children








Gentle breeze lightly greet our faces;

Halcyon clouds linger in our full embraces;

Clusters of colourful clouds each shines in golden glaze;

Immortals and Buddhas slowly descend from the Heaven   Palace.1


We are Zhu-Tien-Shen-Sheng 2 serving

Lao-Mu, 3 and step away from mountains and domains where Saints and deities live. We enter the Altar and first bow and kowtow 4 to

Lao-Mu. All should remain solemn, wait for

Lao-Mu Her admonishment, and show your utmost sincerity.    We stop the Ji-guan, 5 while everyone should remain silent.


Ha Ha 6 Stop.


Wars break out in four locations;

Catastrophes strike in continuation;

The merciful Heaven 7 has pity on mankind;

Tien-Tao 8 is once again descended to the world.


We are the Four Great Heaven Kings, 9 leading the Twenty-Eight Constellations, 10 the Thunder Department, the Wind Department, the Tiger Department, and the Dragon Department. 11 Together we escort

Lao-Mu and left Xian-tien. 12 We enter the Altar, bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu. We stop the Ji-guan now, and line up on two sides.


Hua Hua 13 Stop.



Eight Trigrams 14 and Nine Regions 15 reveal the time to retrieve all is near;

All in this world should board the Dharma Ferry, 16

Everyone must restore his True Self to the Zhang-liu 17 Jin-gang 18 body,

For the Jin-gang body is everlasting and live without worries.


We are Ba-Da Jin-Gang. 19 We escort

Lao-Mu departing from the Pure Land of the West.20 We bows and kowtows to

Lao-Mu, and write no more.


Hua Hua Stop.


I took a nap at the South Heaven Gate, 21

And I lost count of months and years;

Suddenly I smell the aroma of incense; 22

I open my eyes and roll over to get up;

Holding my cane I mount on my deer,

With my white crane following behind;

My back is crooked and my waist bent;

Gray hair on my head shines like silver needles.


I am Nan-Ji Shou-Xing23 leading the Eight Immortals.24 We wait on

Lao-Mu descending to the Easter Earth.25 We bow and kowtow to

God, and stop the Yu-heng.26


Ha Ha Stop.


Thousands of religions flourish;

Some are heresies;

Some are strange and occult;

Some burn amulets and refine cinnabars;

Varieties are abundant.

Immortals, Buddhas, deities and Saints,

The Four Nobles 27 and the Five Domains, 28

All descend to gather in the Eastern Earth,

Awaiting the amassment of souls by Three Buddhas, 29

Meanwhile Tien-Tao is spread for the last time.

Bodhi 30 is the Origin which one must awaken to;

The Golden Thread 31 was dropped

To save the Nine Two, 32

So they can return to the Origin;

All Buddha Nature 33 must board the Dharma Ferry.

Sa and Tuo 34 are boundless;

The mystic Truth is pure;

Accumulate merits in the mortal world,

And must delay no more;

Together all may attain Da-luo 35 Immortality.


We are Wan-Xian Pu-Sa 36 leading all Immortals. We wait on

Lao-Mu descending to the Altar. We bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and line up on two sides.


Ha Ha Stop.


Administering examinations in the east and then in the west,

Going back and forth between the south and the north,

I test your wisdom to see who are Sages and who are fools.

Testing the hearts I distinguish the sincere from the   hypocritical;

Without a truly determined will,

You cannot return to Wu-ji. 37

All my good brothers 38 gathered in the court-yard,

Do not be lost and ignorant;

Hurry! Hurry! Crush ignorance and desires.

Respect the order between seniors and juniors;

Re-establish the order of human relations, 39

With Tao and virtues pervading the East and the West.


I am the Chief Examiner of the Three Heavens, 40

Yuan-Zhang Mao –Tian. 41 I escort

Lao-Mu departing from Xian-tien. I bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, then greet all brothers. Everyone remain solemn and quiet, and I say no more.


Ha Ha Stop.

Awaken to the mystic Truth;

Inspirations come as the soul manifests;

The Enlightened Teacher 42 points out the True Self;

Brothers, practice to transcend the mortal world.


I am the Elder Fellow Disciple Wu-Chan, leading the entire class of Wu.43 We together escort

Lao-Mu departing from the Heaven Palace. We enter the Altar, and kowtow to

Lao-Mu. We stop the Ji-guan.


Ha Ha Stop.


Propagate Tien-Tao to everywhere;

Advance to save and convert everyone in this chaotic world;

Build merits in the mortal world;

Lead all to return to see Lao-Mu.


I am Marshal Mao-Meng leading the entire Class of Mao.44 We escort

Lao-Mu descending to the Altar. We bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and write no more.


Hua Hua Stop.


Teach the Nine continents; 45

Convert and save the whole world;

Awaken to that Bodhi is the Origin,

And become the carefree Sa and Tuo;


I am Jiao-Hua Pu-Sa leading the entire Class of Yun.46

We escort

Lao-Mu stepping into Chong-Hua Altar.47 We bow and

 kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and write no more.


Ha Ha Stop.

Earth is halcyon, Heaven is clear, and the sky is bright;

The true Dharma hidden in sutras shines;

Tien-Tao benefits and purifies the mortal world;

The merciful Buddhas together hold the rudder of the Dharma Ferry.


I am Di-Zang Buddha.48 I wait on

Lao-Mu descending to the Altar. We bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and write no more.


Ha Ha Stop.



I am very anxious and extremely impatient,

For I worry that Tien-Ming 49 is not lenient,

Yet Nine Six 50 are still drifting in the waves;

I grieve mournfully and wail hard,

For I see the time has come;

How can I report my Mission to Lao-Mu?


I am your Teacher, Crazy Monk Nan-Ping Ji-Gong.51

I wait on

Lao-Mu descending to the Altar. First, I bow and kowtow to

Huang-Mu, 52 then I greet all disciples. When

Lao-Mu writes, all must have the utmost sincerity. Time is very critical; you must work diligently. Great merits and high peerage, attain them the sooner the better. Holding our hands, together we return and pay homage to

Lao-Mu. What I wish to see is the accomplishment of this.


Ha Ha Stop.


The gate is open and the road is clear;

The domain of Saints can now be accessed directly;

Restore the pure and the utmost benevolent True Self,

Just like the bright sun which is full and all reaching.


We are Guan-Sheng and Chun-Yang.53 We escort

Lao-Mu leaving the Heaven Palace. We enter the Altar,

bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and wait on two sides.


Hua Hua Ha Ha Stop.



I hold in my hand the Zhang-ba 54 snake tip spear,

The laws of Heaven have no leniency;

Whoever violates the laws,

His True Self and Life cannot escape from me.


We are the Justices Huan-Hou Grand Emperor Zhang and Marshall Yue. 55 We escort

Lao-Mu entering the Altar. We bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, then wait on two sides.


Hua Hua Stop.



Drifting in the sea of suffering,

Drifting in the sea of debts,

Drifting here and there without returning,

Forever souls drift in the sea of suffering;

The golden ferry descends,

The golden ferry sails,

The 1-Kuan Dharma 56 ferry sails the Four Seas; 57

There is no other ferry besides this.


I am Yue-Hui Pu-Sa.58 I wait on

Lao-Mu coming to the Altar. I bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and say no more. Greetings to you all and I stop writing.


Ha Ha Stop.



Oh! Oh! What a great catastrophe!

The pain inflicted causes wails and moans;

Great floods burst,

And the world becomes submerged;

Great fires spread,

And quian and kun 59 are charred to ashes;

Gang-feng 60 descends,

And even ghosts and deities wail.


We are Nan-Hai Pu-Xian Pu-Sa, and Wen-Shu Pu-Sa. 61 We wait on

Huang-Mu descending to the mortal world. We bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and stop writing.


Ha Ha Stop.



Those who worship and pray in the Mosques are wasting time,

For none knows how to awaken to the mystic Truth;

By simply following The Koran you cannot transcend birth and death;

Hurriedly seek the Enlightened Teacher to return to Heaven.


I am the True Deity of Islam, Prophet Mohammed. 62

I wait on

Lao-Mu descending to the Altar. I bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and stop the Ji-guan.


Ha Ha Stop.



My body was resurrected on the cross;

Judaism was founded with many miracles;

But the mystic Truth in The Bible is not comprehended,

And praises now become merely lyrics and songs.

I am Jesus Christ.63 I wait on

Lao-Mu descending to the Eastern Earth. I bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, then pray quietly and stop the Ji-guan.


Ha Ha Stop.



The everlasting Spirit of the Valley hides in the mystic Root;

That can be said and named is not the True Tao;

Five thousand words in Tao-The Ching 64 still cannot fully state Tao;

Hurriedly seek the Enlightened teacher Gong-chang 65 to return to the Root.


I am Tai-Shang Lao-Jun.66 I wait on

Lao-Mu coming to the Altar. I bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and say no more.


Ha Ha Stop.



Awaken to Bodhi, Svaha; 67

Paramita, 68 the True Self is restored to that of a Buddha;

The Void is not void and all Dharmas are nonexisting;

What remains carefree is this True Self.


I am Xi-Tien Ru-Lai.69 I wait on

Lao-Mu descending to the Altar. I bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, then stand and wait at the entrance.


Ha Ha Stop.



Fully comprehending the Truth and the True Self can one reach the mystic place of utmost perfection;

Cleansing all emotions and desires can one reflect the Truth fully;

Awakening to the essence of the True Self and understanding Its mysterious manifestation can one know where to rest;

Following the practice of being set, being tranquil, revealing the True Nature, and being pure can one see the Origin.


I am the Greatest Saint Da-Cheng, King Wen-Xuan Kong.70 I wait on

Lao-Mu coming to the Altar. I bow and kowtow to

God, and stop the Ji-guan.


Ha Ha Stop.



The White Yang 71 flag suspends in the air;

White flowers drift all over the sky.

The White Yang Boulevard leads to the Origin;

Dress and deport properly.

Teaching all countries so all gather in China,

The Patriarch of White Yang oversees the Three Heavens.

Presiding over the law and order, I propagate Tien-Tao to everywhere;

Together my disciples and I undertake the mission of amassing souls.


I am the Founder of White Yang Religion, Ru-Tong Jing-Gong.72 I accompany

Lao-Mu  to the Altar. I bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and stop the Yu-heng.


Ha Ha Stop.



The colourful halcyon clouds float in the sky;

The Imperial carriage of Lao-Mu leaves the Heaven Palace;

Accompanied by two children waving treasured fans,

Lao-Mu descends to the Eastern Earth.

We are Children Yun and Bao.73 We accompany

Lao-Mu to the Altar. We bow and kowtow to

Lao-Mu, and wait quietly for

Lao-Mu to admonish.


Xi Xi 74 Stop.


Thinking of Lao-Mu My children breaks My hearts,

With endless sorrows and sadness.

The eternal sweet Home is deserted,

For Lao-Mu I send all Immortals and Buddhas to the Easter      Earth

To bring salvation to the Yuan-zi.75

Sighing for Lao-Mu My children lost in the dreams of fortune and fame,

Lao-Mu I worry so much;

So Lao-Mu I personally descend to awake the mortal world.

Despite thousands of words in blood Lao-Mu I wrote in earnest,

All were taken lightly.

I am

Lao-Mu, God, Lord of Wu-ji, Lord of all beings. Leading all Buddhas,

Lao-Mu I come to meet My royal children. So stand firm My children. Listen carefully to My concerns.

Lao-Mu I am going to admonish now to warn My lost children. The Three Powers 76 rest shortly, and

Lao-Mu I will write again. First

Lao-Mu I write the foreword, then in detail.




When the golden pen writes, bright light is emitted;

When Yu-heng moves, qian and kun shake;

Each sentence reveals the road which guides the wandering;

Each word embeds the mystery to wake up the lost to the Truth. Yi-xi! 77

Tien –Tao is like a road. One must walk on roads. Yet roads can be differentiated as long or short, up and down, winding and rugged, and bright and dark. Taking the righteous way leads to Heaven; taking the evil way falls to the dark Hell. Although there are thousands of roads, none is short and righteous except for the Golden Thread Lao-Mu I dropped, which leads directly to Xian-tien in one giant step, transcending Qi-Tien 78 and Xiang-Tien, 79 and reaching the Domain of Saints.


Now the time of White Yang has come. Lao-Mu I order Mi-Le Buddha to oversee Tien-pan, 80 and Gong-chang to propagate Tien-Tao. Together they shoulder the mission of amassing all souls, bringing salvation to the Three Worlds 81 for all to confirm the Bodhi, rescuing all to escape from fires and floods, retrieving all religions into the only Truth, and gathering all factions to meet the Three Buddhas. Since Tien-Tao was made available to everyone, thousands and thousands have received Tien-Tao; yet those who practice sincerely are few as the morning stars. Hence, it is difficult to select candidates who can withstand the tide or support the sky.


Lao-Mu I observed those who received Tien-Tao all over. Most are lax. Those who progress slightly truly lack strength and determination. Immortals, Buddhas, Saints, and deities admonish time after time, hoping My children will take the great vow of returning to Heaven, but most of My children do not match their deeds to vows. So they do not fulfill their vows. Sigh! Thus, Lao-Mu I could not help but let tears with blood drop along with a broken heart. This is why Lao-Mu I descend to admonish My children: be diligent and advance forcefully. This moment is more precious than ten thousand tales of gold. Once this precious opportunity is missed, regrets will last tens of thousands of years. How could you not contemplate this?


The book Lao-Mu I am going to descend contains broad, mystic, and marvellous meanings. Lao-Mu I hope My children will ponder and awaken to it.


Wherever this book is, all Buddhas will esteem and guard it, and all deities will bless it. If anyone does not respect it, he will surely suffer mishaps. Upon the publication of this book, the everlasting Truth is revealed, and the future is explained in detail. So do not leave this book on the shelf. Be earnest in spreading its teaching, and be diligent in your practice. Lao-Mu I hope you will be enlightened soon and hold hands together to return to the domain of the Saints. Lao-Mu I wish you all will carry out your practice.


This is the foreword. Stop the Ji-guan now and rest for a moment before continuing.





The admonishments are descended to the Eastern Earth to point out the Origin;

Lao-Mu My sons and daughters must seek Tien-Ran 82 to return to the Origin

And receive the pointing to the portal of soul in front of the crossroads;

Lao-Mu I admonish My royal children to advance diligently.


First, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, listen carefully about the Origin;

The golden pen moves and reveals the mystic secrets of Heaven.

Remember at the beginning when Heaven and Earth were not separated and still blended;

In obscurity, there were no men or matters, and all was a void.

Ninety-six billion 83 Yuan-fu-zi, gathered in Xian-tien,

Free of worries and anxieties, relaxed, and carefree.

All Immortal brothers and sisters accompanied Lao-Mu Me,

Followed Lao-Mu Me, wherever I went, never left My side,

In the Kingdom of Bliss 84 roamed and played freely,

Rode the green dragon and the colourful phoenix 85 with infinite solemnity,

Unafraid of coldness and heat, and without restrictions.

Without yin and yang, without relativeness, there was only the pure Truth;

At leisure, freely toured the mystic sceneries of Xian-tien,

When bored or tired, played board games or string instruments,

Ate divine fruits, drank delicate juices,

Wore flying shoes and divine apparels.86

Wu-ji is the domain of Saints, the precious land of ultimate benevolence,

In quiescence It inspires and responds to all, and is the Origin of all;

By the time of Zi Phase 87 the fate of the Qi 88 was mature;

Lao-Mu I ordained seven Buddhas to govern kun and qian.

After ten thousand and eight hundred years, the Qi was full and Heaven was created,

And not until the end of Chou Phase was Earth completed.

The pure Qi rose to become Heaven and arrange constellations;

The muddy Qi descended and coagulated into continents, lakes, oceans, mountains, and rivers.

Upon Yin Phase, Heaven interacted with Earth and the sun and the moon illuminated together;

The Qi of yin and yang complemented each other and gave rise to all beings and matters.

This is the mysticism of Xian-tien, the Origin of the genesis.

Wu-ji is quiescent, Tai-ji 89 is in motions, and Huang-ji 90 is the kun and qian;

Tao is the Truth, the Truth is Tao, the most divine and mystic essence of the Void;

Tao gave rise to One, One gave rise to Two, and Two gave rise to Three.

One, the Origin, dispersed into all, creating existence form the Void;

That mysticism cannot be fully described even by deities and Immortals.

Since Heaven and Earth were formed and all matters were established,

Without the sign of humans, the Eastern Earth lacked women and men.

Upon then Lao-Mu I had no choice,

But to let go of Lao-Mu My Nine Six children to descend to the mortal world.

Time after time Lao-Mu I sent Yuan-fu-zi to the Eastern Earth,

Yet every time they returned and refused to govern the mortal world.

Without a choice Lao-Mu I made the Wine from My blood;

At Tri-Peaks 91 Lao-Mu I lured Bodhisattvas and Buddhas to get drunk.

Lao-Mu I installed a Grand Immortal Pool 92 and let all bathe;

With this opportunity Lao-Mu I took back the flying shoes and divine apparels to Li-tien.

Yuan-fu-zi sobered up and did not see Lao-Mu My face,

Nor could they find the divine apparels and flying shoes.

Your Mother I cried in grief and called My Yuan-zi,

“You all hurriedly run to the East 93 and don’t be attached to here.

If I returned the flying shoes and divine apparels to you,

None of you would be willing to stay and govern the mortal world.

Break branches and leaves to shield from cold and chill;

When hungry, eat conifer seeds; when thirsty, drink spring water.”

All Yuan-fu-zi, like someone lost their souls, sighed and mourned;

They asked Lao-Mu Me when they could return Home.

Lao-Mu I replied “Wait until the Last Catastrophe of the Third Period and Tien-Tao is made available to everyone;

Then I will personally write and deliver letter to you and personally ferry you all back.”

All the children were still in doubt and wailed,

So Lao-Mu I bestowed the Hand Seal to all Yuan-fu-zi as the proof.

From then on all My Yuan-fu-zi ran to the Eastern Earth,

To govern the mortal world and procreate the human race.

Lao-Mu I and children were parted and I felt very sad;

From then on Lao-Mu I have counted over sixty thousand years;

Every time Lao-Mu I think about My children’s sufferings on Earth, My heart cannot rest.

Now the time and the fate of Qi have come so Lao-Mu I descend Tien-Tao,

And send Mi-Le and Gong-chang to spread Tien-Tao and amass souls.

All events were detailed with sincere words;

Hope Lao-Mu My Yuan-fu-zi hurriedly seek the true transmission of Tien-Tao.

Get on the Golden Thread road and follow Lao-Mu Me to return to Heaven.

Those who do not awaken will drift in the sea of suffering forever.

At this point Lao-Mu I cannot help but let My tears roll in grief,

So Lao-Mu I have to pause the Ji-guan momentarily before continuing.




Tien-Tao propagates the mystic Truth that was passed on from Saints to Saints;

Lao-Mu I ordered the Three Buddhas to amass souls;

If you still do not seek to receive Tien-Tao from Tien-Ran,

You cannot recover yourself even after suffering for a thousand lives.


Second, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, listen carefully;

Now is the Last Catastrophe of the Third Period and the sufferings are indescribable;

Heaven should wither and Earth should decay for the fate of Qi is exhausted;

How can Lao-Mu I bear to harm My children?

So Lao-Mu I commenced the revelation of Tien-Tao and laid down the way to enlightenment by lowering the Golden Thread,

Propagated Tien-Tao and named It I-Kuan for It pervades qian and kun,

Sent Mi-Le to oversee Tien-pan and convert all religions to righteousness,

Decreed Tien-Ran, the incarnation of Ling-Miao, 94 to oversee Tao-pan, 95

Conferred Mi-Le Buddha full power of command, and ordered all deities to help Tien-Tao.

So all Buddhas and Immortals are propagating the Truth or converting humans through Fu-luan for Lao-Mu Me.

In Xian-tien, Lao-Mu I do not retain any Immortals, Buddhas, Deities or Saints;

All Bodhisattvas and Immortals are descended to the mortal world.

Great is Heaven, great is Earth, yet Tien-Ming or Lao-Mu Mine is the greatest.

Those who follow Tien-Ming will be prosperous, those who disobey will be destroyed, and the difference is like Heaven and abyss.

Making Tien-Tao available to everyone is the first time since the genesis;

To encounter this rare event in thousands of years is truly a mystic blessing.

Tien-Tao brings salvation to the deities above, to souls of the deceased below, and to the kind and the good in this world;

Retrieves all factions and converges all religions to the true Origin;

And transmits the mystic and marvellous secret of Heaven at this last moment.

By receiving the pointing, the golden lock 96 unlocks and the Jin-gang Body emerges.

First, the ancient Hand Seal, bestowed as the original proof at the Soul Mountain, 97 is transmitted;

Then the Right Portal, the essence of the White Yang Dharma, is pointed;

Finally the Wordless Sutra, the mystic spell that reaches Heaven, is transmitted.

When the Wordless Sutra is repeated silently, all Immortals, Buddhas, and Saints will come to protect the children.

Those who received Tien-Tao have their names registered on the roll in Heaven,

And have their names removed from the roll in the Underworld, transcending the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

“To awaken to Tao in the morning and die with no regret the same night” 98 all relies on this pointing,

Which points out the invaluable treasure to return directly to the Heaven Palace.

By transcending in one step, this is the Supreme Greater Vehicle, 99 the simplest and the most direct way;

Discard the mortal flesh and attain the Jin-gang body to live eternally in the Kingdom of Bliss.

Theses are not empty talks but supported by real evidences.

Even the body which is a false image can serve as a proof.

The corpse does not stiffen in winter nor decay in foul smell in summer, and appears alive;

This is the proof of discarding the mortal shell and attained the Jin-gang body.

If one does not believe, the souls of the deceased can be summoned to Altars as witnesses

Everything Lao-Mu I stated is true, and there is no lie.

The true Tien-Tao is with the true Tien-Ming, and there is no second one in the Three Domains. 100

It has a Heritage and was passed on from one Patriarch to another until now.

The Two Nine 101 Patriarch is the last one, and Gong-chang’s time to amass souls has arrived.

One can practice Tao as monks at home, and is called a Secular Monk.

Now the true secret of the fate has been revealed and is spread to Heaven and Earth.

Deities in all Heavens, Immortals, and Buddhas together descend to the Eastern Earth.

Everywhere they show miracles to wake up the lost children.

Through either Fu-luan or Jie-qiao 102 they ferry the Yuan-fu-zi.

In the sea of suffering they sail the Dharma ferry to save the Nine Two.

The affairs of the Three Heavens are to be done in the mortal world, so Heaven relies on humans to propagate the Truth.

Everyone should work diligently to advance his practice,

Spread Tien-Tao and propagate the Truth for Heaven to help your Shi-Zun.

Tien-Tao relies on human to spread, and human relies Heaven for help;

Heaven and human unite and work with flexibility to build merits.

Now in the North Tien-Tao has been established for a long time;

Still it is difficult to select true candidates who can shoulder great missions among the faithful.

For this reason Lao-Mu I descend ten admonishments now,

Urging all Lao-Mu My good sons and daughters to comprehend the messages.

To practice Tao one cannot deviate from establishing Altars, spreading the Truth, and preaching and bringing salvation to others.

Extend your merciful hearts and well-intentioned words to patiently teach others.

You must take the great vow of reaching Heaven.

The most important is to practice diligently, establish yourself, and then help others.

Carrying only an empty reputation, looking for recognition, or lacking sincerity.

Those as such cannot return to the Home of Bliss.

Similarly if the practice is hypocritical or just trying to get by,

At the end he must fall into the sea of suffering.

Those who practice without consistency or continuity, or those who give up,

Their souls will be crushed and buried under Yin-shan, 103 and can never recover.

Hope Lao-Mu My Yuan-fu-zi will awaken soon;

Practice earnestly and consistently from the beginning to the end and eventually you will succeed.

Fulfill external merits, perfect Gong-fu, 104 and hurriedly convert others.

The highest peerage 105 with the seat of thousand lotus leaves 106 is built in the mortal world.

Even if you are the incarnation of a Da-Luo Immortal or a Buddha,

Without real merits and true good deeds you still cannot return to the Heaven Palace.

Listen to Lao-Mu Me, and don’t refrain yourself from committing to practice diligently.

If you delay even for just one step you will have difficulty in building merits.

As a leader of a Keeper of an Altar, the responsibilities are tremendous.

If he is foolish, he causes thousand to fall, misleading not only himself but also other.

If he is intelligent and has broad wisdom,

He can induce others to become Sages and manage people so thousands can succeed.

Now Lao-Mu I clearly exhort the volunteer workers, Keepers of Altars, and leaders,

Everyone should have strong determination and work extra hard;

Think about ways to ferry the lost to aboard the shore;

Think about ways to urge others to bring forth their true hearts.

Your hearts must be like the floating clouds; your minds, the running springs;

Be amenable so you can adapt to the environment anywhere;

But to mingle and follow others is a sever demerit so follow the Truth as the guidance;

Eliminate greed, infuriation, desires, and love to reveal the Pure Dharmakaya. 107

The more merits you accumulate, the more dangerous you situate, so always be cautious;

If you fall after reaching the highest peak, you will be in the deepest abyss;

The higher you fly, the more severe the fall is, this is the unalterable truth;

So don’t be foolish, Lao-Mu My wise children.

Fear the Three Awes, 108 consider the Nine Considerations, 109 words and deportment must be consistent,

Follow the Three Self-Examinations 110 and the Four No Evils, 111 and he who acts according to theses is a true virtuous practitioner.

By following Lao-Mu My admonishments, you can ascend to the Domain of Saints and enjoy the eternal bliss;

He who does not obey and follow his mind will end up in Hell.

Another admonishment has been written, so Yuan-fu-zi remember firmly;

The three Powers pause and rest before I continue to admonish.




Only Tao is the most supreme; thus Lao-Mu I am the most supreme.

Lao-Mu I disperse to create, suppress, balance, and transform.

In Three Domains and Ten Directions, 112 Lao-Mu I am the Lord,

Nourishing the Saints and the mortals with the same Origin of soul.


Third, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, hurriedly to attain enlightenment.


Awaked to the Truth and Tao, and that the true emptiness is not empty;

Existence is nothingness; nothingness is existence; both existence and nothingness are of the same essence;

Image is emptiness; emptiness is image; the Void is neither an image nor emptiness.

Remembering at the beginning, the Qi was not separated and Heaven and Earth were still blended;

There was only the Truth, without sound or odor, and all was obscure,

When Wu-ji moved and Tai-ji appeared, yin and yang were set.

Then derived into Three Powers, Four Images, 113 and Five Elements, 114

Set Six Proper Periods, 115 arranged the Seven Departments, 116 Nine Regions, and Eight Trigrams,

Divided into positiveness and negativeness, and displayed fullness and emptiness; and all varieties grew.

When discussing about mysticism and talking about the Void, how many can truly understand?

This Truth is the ancient aureole, and is utmost void and pure;

Without yin or yang, without relativeness, It cannot be enhanced or degraded;

Without shape, without form, yet It’s not merely emptiness;

It’s neither green nor red, cold nor hot, and neither still nor moving.

The Origin of all and the mystic Truth are embedded within It.

In manifestation or abstruseness, It is without image and is the utmost mystic and wonderful;

It cannot be seen or heard, yet encompasses all images and emptiness.

Without motions or changes, without manifestation, It cultivates through Wu-wei; 117

It’s the true Lord, the great pivot, creates and cultivates all beings.

With nothing above, It transcends nine strata of Heaven, 118 and is beyond images and emptiness;

With nothing beneath, It encompasses nine strata of Hell and ten Halls of Justice in the Underworld;

It pervades qian and kun, pervades the Three Domains, and pervades everywhere;

Heaven and Earth and all beings within will disappear, if departed from It.

It is forced to be named Tao or the True One, and is used to convert and save the cosmos.

It is the true Origin, Wu-ji, the permanent root.

When Tao is in Heaven, Heaven is clear and the cosmos revolves

To arrange constellations, to move the sun and the moon; and Lao-Mu My Qi flows smoothly.

When Tao is on Earth, Earth coagulates into mountains and streams to cultivate and nourish;

To give rise to all existence and nourish all beings depends on One. 119

When Tao is in human, human has life and can feel and move.

Human has Tao yet is unaware of It, thus human can hardly transcend birth, death, and rebirth.

The Truth embedded in the three religions has no difference for they all are ordained by Lao-Mu Me.

To transmit Tien-Tao is to transmit this void and mystic aureole.

What Taoism calls Jin-dan; Buddhism, Sariputra; and Confucianism, True Self

Refers to this aureole; the names are different, but the Truth is the same.

Ever since the genesis there is only one Dharma and only one Tao;

What Immortals, Buddhas, and Saints transmit by the meeting of hearts is from the same root and of the same lineage;

Enlightening to the true Dharma makes one know all Dharmas;

Thousands of Buddhist Sutras and Scriptures of Saints are pervaded by the one Truth.

Since the Three Saints 120 returned to Heaven and entered Nirvana, 121 the Dharma ferry stopped sailing;

The way to return was disconnected and Tien-Tao was no longer transmitted, and only religions were left on the Eastern Earth;

Till now, three thousand years has passed, and no one understands;

Like mazes, thousands of religions flourished, yet the Truth has not been revealed.

Now Tien-Tao is made available to all in accordance with Tien-Ming and the fate of Heaven and Earth.

For the Long-hua Assembly, 122 Heaven selects candidates to propagate Tien-Tao,

To inherit the secret of Wu-ji, the mystic doctrine of the Three Saints,

And to teach all to board the Dharma ferry together.

The Supreme Greater Vehicle and the truly mystic Sutra, can anyone understand?

To seek the Truth, one must plea to Gong-chang so he can attain Tao.

Once received Tien-Tao, hurry to accumulate merits and practice for the True Self through the false body.

Tao is void; but if you can not attain the Void, everything you have will vanish.

A human life in this world is like a kernel of corn in the ocean,

Following the high tide in and low tide out, unable to distinguish west from east.

Alcohol, images, and wealth have captivated the original Buddha Nature;

Longing for the seven emotions 123 and indulging in the six desires 124 mask the original soul.

The waves of desires will never rest and the emotions and love are like cangues and shackles;

Longing for glory and beauty or attaching to wealth and power, one is netted and roped by fame and profit.

How could a spark of flint or a flash of lightning be long lasting?

Like the night blooming cereus, in just a flash karma is formed.

Taking bitterness as happiness just like ants and flies.

A life is about one-hundred years, or over thirty-six thousand days;

How often can you get peace and rest?

From adolescence to adulthood, from adulthood to old age, and from old age to death,

The sweets and bitters of life are very sorrowful.

Who can escape birth, old age, sickness, death, and sufferings?

In a blink, a child grows into an old man with gray hair.

Coming with nothing and leaving with nothing, you cannot bring along even a penny;

Ending up with a lonely grave, your soul reports to the Underworld.

Regardless how rich or noble you are, the rewards and punishments are always given.

To fulfill karma, animals reincarnate into humans and humans into animals.

From Yin Phase till present, several tens of thousands of years elapsed.

The sufferings in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth are endless and are too sad to comment.

The souls exits one portal and enters another, like changing a house or moving into another domicile;

Reborn as a son in the Chang family or a daughter in the Li family, every time the soul comes up empty.

The more the soul reincarnates, the deeper it is lost and the more it is contaminated everyday,

Forgetting Lao-Mu Me in Xian-tien, who gives rise to the True Self.

The Origin of human are descended from the same Soul Mountain in Xian-tien.

No more in Saints nor less in commoners, the aureoles of all are from the same source.

Those who are awakened become Saints or Sages and reach the Kingdom of Bliss;

Those who are lost become commoners and will fall into Underworld.

Deities or Immortals all are achieved by mortals;

Never see one born as an Immortal, A Buddha, a Deity, or a Saint.

Hope all Lao-Mu My children realize what is true and what is false soon.

Awaken to that you are lost and seek the Enlightened Teacher so you can restore your True Selves and return Home.

When Lao-Mu I admonish to here, the Three Powers are tired, so Lao-Mu I stop the Ji-guan;

The Three Powers may eat and Lao-Mu I will admonish later.




True true false false false false true,

Awakening thoroughly to what is true and what is false,

One definitely transcends the mortal world;

Accumulate merits in the mortal world and propagate Tien-Tao widely;

Convert the world to return to the Root and to seek the Truth together.


Fourth, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, practicing for the True Self is the most important.

This mortal world is the sea of suffering where waves and tides are boundless.

The life of a human is like that of a May fly, born in the morning and die the same night;

Who can escape the Judges in the Ten Justice Halls of the Underworld?

Day in and day out, you work and labour hard, running back and forth,

Just like cattle and horses running in a desert.

In a few decades, one goes through birth, age, sickness, and death;

Thousands of experiences and chores are like morning dew or frost on grass.

Competing for fame or fortune and arranging for wealth or power, you drift in births and deaths;

Being attracted by the dearly wife ad attached to the lovely sons is like a long dream.

As to the mortal world, it is very sorrowful and the sufferings within cannot be described.

The seven emotions and the six desires captivated Lao-Mu My children,

My children, even if you are millionaires

With thousands of acres of land that harvests ten thousand bushels, the most you can eat in a day is one liter.

My children, even if you own edifices and mansions,

You take only eight feet when you sleep and cannot sleep in two beds.

My children, even if you have gold and silver piled up like hills,

How can you take even one penny along with you when you die?

My children, even if you dress in silks and satins and your clothes are shinny and bright,

They serve only to keep you warm and to shield you from wind and frost.

My children, even if you ear sumptuous and fancy banquets,

In the mean time when you pursue appetites, you take lives and your sins and debts cannot be denied.

My children, even if you entertain yourselves everyday to suit your desires,

In a hundred years, all will become a dream, and time passes like a snap of fingers.

My children, even if you have a good wife and nice sons and daughters,

On the road to the Underworld, all will be apart and it is quite sorrowful.

With a sigh for the world with five filthy elements, 125 Lao-Mu My tears roll in agony.

Hope Lao-Mu My royal children don’t be lost.

The mortal world is like an amusement park;

Who is the grandfather? Who is the grandson? And who is the mother?

If you can awaken to all these, your whole family can practice Tao together,

Accumulate merits together, cultivate virtues together, and return Home together.

Practicing the true Tao in Hou-tien, 126 the whole family is blessed;

Upon attaining Tao and returning to Xian-tien, the whole family will gather together.

This wonderful blessing and this mysticism were never revealed in the past.

Sadly, the lost would not wake up from this dream.

Those who seek after fame would want to be monarchs even after becoming prime ministers;

Those who seek after wealth would not be satisfied even after becoming millionaires;

They only know avarice and affection and never ponder.

Forgetting the road of life and death, they end up seeing the Judges of the Underworld.

Those who can awaken and hurry to practice for the True Self will return to Xian-tien;

Those who do not awaken will lose their hearts and True Self and will end up in Hell, which is really miserable.

Getting on the roads to Heaven or to the deep abyss depends on just one thought;

If at that moment the thought is amiss, forever you bear the suffering.

The sufferings in Hell can hardly be described.

In front of the Mirror of Sins, 127 all sins are exposed.

If good deeds weigh more, at least you will be rewarded in the next life;

But when the rewards are exhausted, you still must fall; so how can it last long?

If sins weigh more, not to mention that no words can be used to argue and explain,

The punishments based on your sins and debts must be borne by yourself.

Such as the Mountain of Knives and the Deep Frying Pot, 128 the punishments are unusual and various;

There are saws to dismember, metal mills to grind, and dogs to consume blood soup;

Into the Nai River 129, many old, young adolescent, and adult fall;

The eighteen strata of Hell cause a lot of sadness.

When mentioning these sufferings, Lao-Mu I can hardly continue;

Lao-Mu I cannot help but let tears drop on My chest.

This is what called “taking an amiss step, regretting for a thousand years.”

Once losing the human body, forever you drift downward and can hardly return to the Immortal Home.

Listen to Lao-Mu My advise, practice Tao, and your vitality and soul will strengthen;

Establish a firm will, vow to reach Heaven, and have your hearts like Jin-gang.

Nine generations of your ancestors in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth are looking forward day and night,

Looking forward to see you accumulate merits and cultivate virtues so they can transcend.

It is not a serious matter if only you yourself are brought down by your own amiss thought;

However, that also affects your ancestors and they wail in the Underworld.

Being crushed under the eighteenth stratum of Hell for sixty thousand years is quite anguish,

You have to wait until the next Cycle 130 when Tien-Tao is made available before you can board the Dharma ferry.

Even if at that time you can seize the opportunity,

It is still unknown whether you will be a human so you can receive Tien-Tao.

Thus it is better to take this opportunity now and hurriedly return to the Western Heaven;

Awaken to that you are lost and follow Lao-Mu Me to return to Li-tien.

Lao-Mu I admonish to here, the Three Powers meditate briefly, then Lao-Mu I will resume;

Lao-Mu I stop the Ji-guan now, and you ponder the meaning of this admonishment carefully.




The fate of Heaven alters to the final autumn; 131

The Three Catastrophes and the Eight Disasters spread throughout the land;

Who can escape the great catastrophe of the Nine Nine? 132

Salvation to the world depends solely on the I-Kuan Dharma ferry.


Fifth, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, take firm and solid steps in your practice.

Awaken to secrets and fate of Heaven and know Lao-Mu My Decree, then one is truly a Sage.

Now is the time of the last catastrophe so Tien-Tao and catastrophe were descended together;

Qian and kun are altered, mountains and rivers are reshaped, and the order of the trigrams is restored.

As your Mother Lao-Mu I am all benevolent,

When then is this great catastrophe descended to the Eastern Earth?

Have you pondered why there wasn’t any such a great catastrophe since the ancient days?

In the time of the Three Saints-Yao, Shun, and Yu-the country was in peace and harmony.

Since the human heart was righteous and harmonized with the True Nature, why should there be any catastrophe?

When human heart becomes crooked and causes bad karma, catastrophes spread all over.

As observed in the mortal world, the trend of morality deteriorates everyday;

No one pursues the orders and proprieties established by the ancient Saints and Sages.

People learning trickeries, avarice, conspiracies, kidnapping, and swindles,

Ruining the human relations, and destroying the Three Orders 133 and Five Constants; 134 these cannot be described in words.

Kings do not behave as kings, ministers do not behave as ministers, the order in the government is corrupted;

Fathers do not behave as fathers, sons do not behave as sons, morality deteriorates;

Husbands are not righteous, wives are not chaste, virtues are ruined;

Elder brothers are not generous, younger brothers are not tolerant, animosity is built;

Trust is not kept among friends, and words and actions are inconsistent.

The Five Bonds 135 and Eight Cardinal Virtues 136 are discarded and no longer sought.

Scholars only discuss the Truth, yet do not act in accordance with the Truth.

Farmers cheat on farm acreage and do not study the Truth;

Craftsmen do not care for quality, diligence, durability, and economy;

Merchants sell counterfeits and coax and lie to customers;

Buddhist monks have lost the Three Followings 137 and Five Disciplines; 138

Taoist priests have turned to heresies and lost the right Dharma;

Confucian scholars study only the surface yet claim themselves Saints.

Looking at these,  Lao-Mu I cannot help but grieve in My heart;

If the catastrophes were not descended now,

There wouldn’t be any virtuous person in the whole world.

The three catastrophes descended and eight disasters spread are killings, wars, floods, and fires;

The Nine Nine Catastrophes-the eighty first catastrophe-spreads throughout the entire Earth;

The five great devils are sent to greatly disturb the Eastern Earth.

Thousands of methods and plots within plots are devised to trap the evil and sinful.

The fate of Qi has come to the point that Heaven and Earth will be destructed.

It is also because of the human sins, debts, and hatred from the past.

The sins accumulated over sixty thousand years are judged at this time;

The steps to segregate jade from stone and the good from the evil are arranged everywhere.

Lao-Mu I  take a look with My Wisdom Eye, 139 and tears with blood begin to roll,

Seeing the mist of evil rises to the sky and spreads everywhere.

All over the four seas, the wind of demon blows, and peace and calmness cannot be found;

Wars break out, robbers riot, and nine out of ten are worried;

Disasters such as plague, hunger, drought, and flood are many,

Throughout the world the five grains disappear, and there is no plantation to harvest.

These types of catastrophes and disasters are not unusual;

The most terrifying is the Water, Fire, and Wind 140 cleansing the entire world.

During the dark forty-nine days there is no sun and moon ;

The gate of Hell is opened and all ghosts are released to take lives.

Dark and shadowy, the dim and cold light fills the world;

Together, all collect debts: a life for a life, and money for money.

Gang-feng descends to sweep qian and kun and the entire universe,

Sweep Qi-tien and Xiang-tien, brush the Three Domains, and the pivot is replaced.

Even though children your bodies are strong as diamond, solid as copper and iron,

You can hardly escape Lao-Mu My catastrophe of the True Fire and save your souls and lives.

Although these great catastrophes are descended by Lao-Mu Me,

In Xian-tien, day and night, Lao-Mu My tears with blood fall endlessly.

Lao-Mu I  cannot bear to see jades and stones charred together indiscriminately;

Thus, Lao-Mu I  drop the Golden Thread, reveal the aureole, and sail the Ferry in the sea.

Thousands and thousands of roads, yet none leads to survival;

The only road to survival is I-Kuan; so hurry to seek Tien-Tao.

For Lao-Mu My concern of My children, I run all over;

Writing thousands and thousands of letters, I send them to the Eastern Earth time after time.

Lao-Mu My only fear is harming My royal sons and daughters;

For this reason Lao-Mu I repeatedly write letters to admonish.

Filial devoted sons and virtuous daughters, Lao-Mu I call,

Hurry to land on the shore by accumulating merits and advancing your practices.

Once received Tien-Tao, you should not have a second thought;

Swing the sword of wisdom to cut bonds and discard fame and fortune quickly.

If attached to the mortal world, how could you realize the world is not real?

Using your eyes to observe this world, are you worried?

No matter how many methods or plans children you have,

Upon that time, you cannot help but die in the catastrophes.

Seven out of ten will die and the remaining three will suffer;

So many will die that blood forms river and skeletons pile up like hills.

If you are attached to the mortal world, turn against the Truth, or disobey Saints,

The Nine Nine Catastrophe will fragment your souls and cast them in Hell.

If you want to escape catastrophes and avoid disaster, hurry to accumulate merits and attain peerage,

And Lao-Mu I will order Immortals and Buddhas to shield children so you can be carefree.

Those who are awakened will follow Lao-Mu Me returning to Li-tien;

Those who do not awaken will suffer in the catastrophes and be imprisoned in jail.

All Fu-zi together bow and kowtow to escort Lao-Mu Me out, and I’ll lead companies to return,

  Lao-Mu I will continue to write the Admonishments at the other place.




Infinitely bright a bead,

God bestowed to children to keep;

Huang-Mu I drop the road to awakening;

Lao-Mu I give the direction to the lost.


I am Lao-Mu, True Lord of Creation, Huang-Mu, leading guards to descend to the Eastern Earth. Fu-zi stand in two sides and listen to Lao-Mu Me writing the admonishment.



Even with the true Tao, the Truth, and the true Tien-Ming,

Practitioners still must practice with true hearts;

One amiss thought results in a gap of thousands of miles;

So be cautious as if standing next to the abyss or walking on thin ice.


Sixth, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, Hurry to ring the golden bell. 141

Lao-Mu I miss My children so much as if My heart is on fire,

Worrying that Lao-Mu My children have lost their hearts, won’t listen to My words,

And set aside Lao-Mu My letters without reading or glancing.

The numb and the naughty children are really difficult to touch.

Exhausting Lao-Mu My heart and energy, repeatedly I descend from nine strata of Heaven;

To oversee the affairs of the Third Period, Lao-Mu I confront many dilemmas.

Lao-Mu I send thousands of Buddhas and Patriarchs to the Eastern Earth,

And use thousands of methods and plans, but none is effective.

Lao-Mu I send letters written in blood repeatedly, but the efforts are also in vain.

It is so difficult the Lao-Mu I wail in grief.

In thoughts and remembrances, tears drop like pouring rain.

Lao-Mu I am anxious because soon Tien-Tao will no longer be available to ferry and convert the world.

Cannot let go of Lao-Mu My Yuan-zi, I cried endlessly.

This is why Lao-Mu I now again write the letter in blood of ten admonishments,

Admonishing Lao-Mu My Yuan-fu-zi to hurriedly awaken and free from the shackles of the mortal world.

Filial devotion is above all deeds in this world;

Without filial devotion, one cannot be called a hero in practitioners of Tao.

Lao-Mu I hope children you never lose filial devotion before Me;

One who follows Lao-Mu My advices is truly a virtuous person.

If you are filial devoted, you need not Lao-Mu Me to repeatedly admonish;

You should understand Lao-Mu My wish, and diligently carry out the missions in My place.

From now on, establish yourselves as a role model and hurry to practice Tao.

When you think of Lao-Mu My mercifulness, you should also think of your siblings;

In the four seas, all are brothers so you should hurry to save them.

Set yourself upright first, then others, to convert and ferry the mortal world;

To set yourself upright, then others, is the fundament of Tien-Tao.

After you attain Tao, help others to achieve the same and wake up those who have not awakened.

Those who awaken first should wake up others, so together all walk on the path to enlightenment.

As seniors, you should be vigorous in helping and guiding juniors;

When helping others, you must help till they walk on the path to enlightenment.

When saving people, you must save them completely, then you truly are heroes.

Helping everyone you initiated into Tien-Tao to attain Tao can you fulfill Lao-Mu My wish.

Never should you rescue one to shore and then not care for him.

Now the timing is critical and extremely urgent;

Hurry to accumulate merits, cultivate virtues, and sow seeds for the preaching of Tao.

Pressing forward to sow speedily, you can receive a high peerage;

If you are a step behind and late in sowing, your peerage becomes illusion.

The practicing of Tao is indifferent to the poor and the wealthy;

Regardless of qian or kun, all should be diligent.

The poor contributes his energy, the rich contributes his wealth, and then Tien-Tao can be propagated;

By donating wealth and preaching to others, both blessings and wisdom will be full, and peerage both in Heaven and on Earth can be attained.

Hurry to spread and preach Tien-Tao and must not delay or hesitate.

If you delay anymore, the time will pass and it will be difficult to accumulate merits.

Those who can write may serve Heaven by writing to spread Tien-Tao;

Those who can travel may relay messages throughout the mortal world.

Sacrificing yourself and your wealth, you will attain Tao when you meet the True Tao.

The grace of Heaven has no favouritism for Its virtues encompass all.

As to Tien-Tao, Messengers of God 142 do not have any special interest of their own,

Nor do the leaders have any tricks.

All practitioners of Tao practice solely  out of their sublime vows they took,

So those who rely on the name of Buddhas for their livings cannot escape the strikes of thunders.

Practitioners run back and forth all because of aiming to save the world.

Even Immortals, Buddhas, and Saints still have to suffer through various difficulties and toils;

All are following Lao-Mu My Decree to preach and convert the Nine Six.

The true Tien-Tao has true evidences and it is not empty talks.

If Lao-Mu My  Tien-Tao is false,

The vows you take will be shouldered by Lao-Mu Me, and this is not to coax children you.

Why do Lao-Mu I say this to add to your sins? Sigh!

Yet the lost children still doubt and slander Tien-Tao.

Accumulate merits and build peerage now for Sainthood of the next ten thousand and eight hundred years,

Thence enjoy the peerage both in Xian-tien and Hou-tien, and be happy and carefree.

Shape up your spirit, strengthen your courage, and fun straight forward.

Even giving up your life you still should practice with determined and firm will.

Either establish an Altar to gain the first good deed,

Or introduce Tien-Tao to new regions and convert new practitioners to obtain great merits.

If you obey Lao-Mu My admonishments to introduce Tien-Tao to new regions and bring in new converts,

Lao-Mu I will order Immortals and Saints to help you to succeed in building peerage.

Now Tien-Tao is partially apparent and partially obscure,

It is a good opportunity to accumulate great merits and show your heroism.

Beware of the timing, opportunities, and circumstances, and be cautious,

For the true Tien-Tao is secretly selecting Sages.

Now Heaven has begun the examination, yet who realizes it?

To become a Saint, a Sage, or an Immortal depends only on your own diligence.

Thirty-six hundred Saints and forty-eight thousand Sages 143 can be attained by anyone.

Those who start late or pace slowly will wail in vain.

If you understand the timing, the opportunities, and the fate, you will return with Lao-Mu Me.

If you are not aware of the timing and fantasize, you cannot escape the catastrophe.

Hope Fu-zi understand, practice, and hurry to propagate Tien-Tao.

Calm down your hearts and meditate for a while; Lao-Mu I will continue to admonish.





The spaceless gold lock, the spaceless pagoda; 144

The spaceless key 145 opens this lock;

The Enlightened Teacher’s pointing gives grace that has no equal;

The priceless true treasure 146 shines bright.


Seventh, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, tears roll down on My cheek;

Lao-Mu I  worry that My royal children have long been lost in the mortal world.

In Xian-tien, Lao-Mu I  sadly grieve and sigh ay and night;

Lao-Mu I  wail, grieve, and yearn so much that My heart is shattered.

Why should it concern Lao-Mu Me  that you children do not awake?

For Lao-Mu I  am afraid that My royal children will suffer in the great catastrophes.

Listen to Lao-Mu My advise, hurriedly awaken, cultivate virtues, and devote yourself to the missions;

He who comprehends Lao-Mu My  mercifulness and is grateful to the Enlightened Teacher is truly a virtuous person.

The grace of the pointing from the Enlightened Teacher is so great that even by sacrificing the life you cannot repay;

You should constantly keep in your heart that the grace is as heavy as the mountain and as deep as the sea.

Without receiving the pointing from the Enlightened Teacher how can you escape sufferings?

And how can you transcend birth and death, and avoid the great disasters?

Bringing salvation to ancestors and blessing descendants relies purely on the Enlightened Teacher;

So all of you should repay this great grace by following the arrangements of the Enlightened Teacher.

If a practitioner of Tao violates the orders of the Enlightened Teacher.

He will be punished by Heaven and struck by the five thunders 147, and his nine generations of ancestors will fall.

One who follows the orders of the Enlightened Teacher and esteem Tien-Tao is truly a virtuous person.

Learn to be gentle and kind, respectful, thrifty, humble, and have pleasant countenance.

Fulfill the Tao of Mankind, unite with the Tao of Heaven, and follow the moral principles to restore the True Self;

Act according to propriety, follow the Tree Orders and Five Constants, and uphold the center;

Men follow the Five Bonds and always uphold the Eight Cardinal Virtues;

Women obey the Three Followings 148 and the Four Womanly Merits, 149 and do not be devious;

Learn to be loyal and trustworthy, act according to benevolence and justice, and hurriedly establish these great virtues;

Treat other practitioners as though they are your siblings, for all are Lao-Mu My children.

Do not distinguish who is virtuous and who is slow,

Or differentiate male and female, the poor and the rich, or right and wrong.

A leader must have so broad a mind that it encompasses mountains and oceans,

Constantly teach juniors, and together spread Tien-Tao.

A real man must be flexible, tolerant, and patient,

And never complaint when crossing mountains and waters or endure the weather elements.

Be cautious when hearing of praises, be happy when hearing of critiques, and correct whatever is not good;

Able to do all these can one be acclaimed as a virtuous person who stands with Heaven;

Juniors must respect seniors and all should have the same heart and be harmonious;

Seniors must guide juniors with a generous heart.

Now the time is critical, so all must work with extra diligence;

Don’t let down Lao-Mu My repeated words to My royal children which are as precious as gold and as solid as rocks.

Men are not Saints so who can avoid mistakes? The most important is to correct any wrongs.

He who knows his sins and still does not repent cannot return to the Heaven Palace;

If one accumulates merits first but sins later, all merits will not be counted;

If one sins first but accumulates merits later, merits can offset sins;

If one corrects previous wrongs and then accumulates merits,

All his merits will be recorded and he will not be let down;

If one has a lot of merits and few sins, he is destined to go to Heaven;

If one has a lot of sins and few merits, he will be casted into the great catastrophes.

Merits in Xian-tien is accounted for this way and is clearly stated;

So, he who repents and corrects wrongs before accumulating merits is a true pillar of Heaven.

Practicing Tao had never been easy ever since the beginning.

However, at present, it is arranged differently from the ancient times.

Lao-Mu I, with great generosity and mercifulness, am saving qian and kun;

Therefore, the canons and rites of practicing Tao are relaxed and the disasters brought about by the devils are reduced.

Now is very easy to practice Tao;

You need not suffer great difficulties or disasters.

Although you run laboriously back and forth,

After ferrying Yuan-fu-zi back, you will be bestowed Lotus Seat by Lao-Mu Me;

Although you endure the weather elements,

The sufferings commensurate the merits and you will be glorified;

Although you receive slanders and are scorned by others,

When the time comes, the wise, the fool, and the Sage will be separated automatically;

Although you are wronged and quietly swallow your grievances,

The Heaven above will surely clarify and vindicate you;

Although you do not engage in competition,

By maintaining your hearts and cultivating your True Selves, your Bodhi flower will blossom;

Although you are tested by the devil with comforts or hardships,

Without these tests, you cannot become Buddhas, and that is reasonable;

Although the wicked is strong and the good is weak,

Now is the time for the Final Judgment and all evils will be swept away.

Ever since the ancient time, practitioners of Tao must be tested by the devil;

Slanders commensurate with the merits one accumulates and the virtues one cultivates.

Slanders are not brought about because one has committed too many sins;

Without a sold foundations, how can one be qualified to sit in a Lotus Seat of a thousand lotus leaves.

Those who are not blessed have unstable hearts;

Even though they receive Tien-Tao, their hearts will retreat and they cannot return to Heaven.

Lao-Mu My children, don’t say that practitioners of Tao are crazy or silly;

By practicing truly and establishing grand merits, their names will be known throughout the world.

Lao-Mu My children, think about when the Saints of the three great religions were teaching people and establishing religions,

They suffered dearly, yet they returned to Heaven and are worshipped ever since.

For three thousand years till now, they have been respected by both human and Heaven;

Attaining Tao and returning to Heaven, they left their names on Earth; how glorious they are.

Furthermore, at that time, it was still Cha-bu Tao-pan; 150

And now it is time to bring salvation to the Three Worlds and Tien-Tao is available to all.

Thirty-six hundred will stand dignified in the White Yang Temples,

And forty-eight thousand will return to Heaven and receive offerings and worships on Earth.

Those who advance become Sages, those who fulfill become Saints, and the most precious factor is to practice sincerely.

They bring honors to ancestors and blessings to descendants, and their virtues are established forever.

Those who follow accordingly will attain peerage in Heaven, and those who do not will fall.

The Three Powers meditate in tranquility, and Lao-Mu I will admonish later.





To encounter this rare event in tens of thousands of years is truly mystic and wonderful;

At the Last Catastrophe of the Third Period, the Examination of Saints and Sages by Heaven begins;

The three Buddhas meet in the Long-hua Assembly and select candidates

To confer Da-luo Immortality upon Fu-zi.


Eighth, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, I grieve so much as if I were numb;

Looking around, Lao-Mu I see all the children still do not wake up from the mortal world.

Infatuated by the false pleasure and bearing the true sufferings, all work laboriously day and night;

Yet treat Tien-Tao as a social activity, unwilling to devote any time.

So many are attached to emotions and desires, violate the Truth, and forget the teachings of the Saints;

So many are afraid of tests by the devils and without a determined will.

The true Tien-Tao is accompanied by true tests, and that is an eternal law;

The tests refine wills to be as strong as Jin-gang and as perfect as faultless jade.

The idiom “A piece of jade must be ground to realize its use” is indeed true;

Real gold needs to be refined repeatedly before its magnificent luster is exposed.

A tree used as a pillar or ridge beam must have its branches removed first;

The foundation of any construction or edifice must be solid.

These can be analogized to practitioners;

By taking adversities and punishments will wisdom be stimulated.

Only in a poor family can the sincerity of a filially devoted son be truly manifested;

Only when a country is in ruin can the character of a loyal citizen be truly manifested;

“A sturdy grass is revealed in gust” is really true;

Without tests, the sincere cannot be distinguished and will be mingled with hypocrites.

Stories of true practitioners are plenty;

Since there are so numerous, only a few will be mentioned.

Remember Jiang Tai-gong 151 was so poor that he had to sell flour;

Through many adversities, he was tested by the devil to refine his heart;

King Wen 152 was imprisoned in You-li for seven years;

Although he knew the event was predestined;

So too was Confucius who suffered great adversities;

He was trapped between the states of Song and Wei, his footprint was erased, and his school was closed;

He was also besieged between the states of Chen and Cai without food for seven days.

It is hard to explain to commoners who treat Saints as lunatics or fools;

When Qiu Chang-chun 153 was practicing Tao, how much he had suffered!

He was nearly starved to death seventy-two times, yet his will was even more determined;

Princess Miao-shan 154 was beheaded and strangled during her practice of Tao’

Likewise Sun Bu-er 155 deformed her face by splashing a pot of hot oil.

To compare the present practice of Tao to that of the past,

The tests brought on by the devils are reduced to a hundredth, so one can practice Tao easily.

What the tests focus on are those who have strong foundation and profound faith,

Through the tests by the devils, the true Buddha Nature is restored to its full radiance.

The ladder to become Immortals, Buddhas and Saints is established this way;

Those who see the tests clearly and pass them can return to the Kingdom of Bliss.

Lao-Mu I set ingenious plans with wonders within wonders;

Disturbances cover the surface so the outside appears dull, yet the inside is bright.

If practitioners of Tao are not tested by the devils,

Those who lead a corruptive life can all return to Heaven.

Without the tests, how can the fool, the Sages, the sincere, and hypocrites be distinguished?

 And who wants to let someone else to take the Lotus Seat first?

Mention not the peerage in Heaven needs tests and verifications to obtain,

Even a peerage in the mortal world needs ten years of hard work to achieve.

Many do not realize the purpose of the tests and give up their practices, which troubles Lao-Mu Me;

Lao-Mu I cannot help but wail and let tears with blood drop.

Repeatedly Lao-Mu I wrote and sent letters to My children;

Despite these repeated letters, all still do not understand the Root.

After repeated warnings and persuasions, why still haven’t you waken up?

If you disobey Lao-Mu My admonishments, you will be crushed under Yin-shan.

Lao-Mu I call “My children, hurry to attain enlightenment.”

Despite thousands and thousands of tests from the devils, let your hearts be faultless,

Adhere to the utmost benevolent Tao and persist from the beginning to the end, be persevering and tenacious,

Maintain the utmost sincerity so that the devils will abstain and disturbance will rest.

To practice Tao in ancient time, one had to climb mountains and wade streams,

Abandon wealth, wife, and children, and travel throughout the world.

Travelling through thousands of mountains and waters, he still could not meet the true Patriarch;

Even wearing out iron shoes, he still could not find the true Dharma.

Of thousands of setbacks and temptations, the sufferings could not be fully depicted;

Only the utmost sincere heart could move an Immortal to point out the true path.

After repeated tests to verify that the will is true and sincere,

Then could one find the Dan-tian 156 to refine the Huang-ya.157

After three thousand merits and eight hundred accomplishments, one attains his peerage;

Yet he still could only stay in Qi-tien to enjoy the glory for a short period.

At this present time, how effortless it is to practice Tao!

You received the pointing first, then begin the practice to convert the mortal world.

This time Tien-Tao appears only because the timing has arrived, otherwise It remains unknown;

Lao-Mu I grant a special favour so you can practice for immortality as well as care for your family.

Now the fate of Heaven is critical, so you should emphasize the sacred mission over daily chores.

Lao-Mu I write the letter in blood, hoping My children will wake up;

This is not an article of persuasion for gossips or conversations.

Worrying for My sons and daughters, My heart and energy are worn out;

All Fu-zi firmly remember, and propagate the true Dharma.

Admonishing to here, Lao-Mu I stop the Ji-guan; Three Powers meditate for a moment;

Lao-Mu I will come to the Altar and continue to admonish on the sand board.





The heart cannot be analogized with a clear mirror which is as bright as the moon;

The True Self cannot be described as the plum flowers blossoming in the snow;

Without any contaminants, the True Self manifests;

Without any blemish, the aureole is the utmost magnificent.


Ninth, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, My tears with blood are dropping,

For I am extremely worried for My royal children.

There are thousands of roads, yet none is the right way;

Without reaching the Golden Thread Road, you have difficulties in returning to Wu-ji.

At this time, occult practices flourish and thousands of religions bloom;

Lao-Mu I am afraid that My royal children will be misled.

These practices and religions are all descended by Lao-Mu Me;

Lao-Mu I deliver letters first and then send messages to inform you of the Third Period.

If is were not the right timing, Lao-Mu I would not descend I-Kuan Tien-Tao.

Yet Lao-Mu I saw the hearts and souls of My children had long been lost;

So Lao-Mu I descended theses practices and religions for you to follow and worship;

Lock up your hearts which are restless like chimpanzees and tie down your minds which race like horses, do good deeds, and cultivate virtues;

Wait until the true Tien-Tao amasses souls and becomes available to everyone; Then all come together to seek the Enlightened Teacher and return to the Home in the West.

Not until now would Lao-Mu I ever leak the secret of Heaven or any mystic words;

Now is the time to amass souls and for all religions to converge to One.

Lao-Mu I descend Tien-Tao to convert the Three Thousand 158 and bestow It the name I-Kuan;

It brings salvation to the Three Worlds and saves the Four Seas, and together all ascend the ladder to Heaven.

Every world Lao-Mu I have said is true and there is no deception;

There are evidences and records for you to verify.

All three religions call for returning to One, yet where does One return to?

One, the origin, disperses into all, yet how does One begin?

To practice Tao, you must understand the Origin;

Without understanding the Origin, how could you return to the Palace in the West?

The Dharma transmitted during the amassment of souls is the secret of the Greater Vehicle;

The mystic events that are unheard of since the genesis are taking place in this Third Period.

If you do not believe this, Lao-Mu I still have the Truth of One as an additional proof.

Let’s review the doctrines of the three religions.

This true One originally is the Truth in Xian-tien;

The Confucian doctrine is to pervade One; the Buddhist, to return to One; and the Taoist, to maintain One.

Enlightening the heart and the True Self to see the Origin is what Buddhism advocates;

Maintaining the heart and the True Self to inhibit desires and re-establish proprieties is what Confucian practice is based on;

Practicing the heart and the True Self to restore the life is what the Taoism refines for;

The heart and the True Self originally are the utmost inspiring and void.

Taoists practices Tao and virtues to maintain constant purity and quiescence and return the Three Classes 159 to One;

Confucians practice “to know,”  “to set.” and “to be tranquil” so the  True Self manifests;

Buddhists talk about emptiness and quiescence to understand that One is the manifestation of the True Self and image, both of which are the same;

All practices are based on quiescence to unite the True Self with Wu-ji.

The essence of Buddhism is to follow Three Followings and obey the Five Disciplines;

The foundation of Taoism is to cluster the Three Flowers 160 and to have the Five Qi face the Origin; 161

The proprieties of Confucianism is to practice the Three Orders and obey the Five Constants;

Now the time has arrived, so the teaching of Tien-Tao syncretizes the three religions into one.

First, by not killing, you are truly benevolent and the Qi of wood returns to the origin;

Second, by not stealing, you maintain righteousness and the Qi of metal coagulate;

Third, by not being lustful, you uphold propriety and the true fire refines the True Self;

Fourth, by not drinking, you have wisdom and the true water complement the true fire;

Fifth, by not fancying, you are trustworthy and the Qi of earth return to the Origin.

Thus, the five Qi face the Origin, the Five Disciplines are obeyed, and the Five Constants are fulfilled.

These three religions originally do not differ in the Truth;

If there is any difference, the religion is not right and the road must be devious.

When Fu-xi 162 drew One and revealed the true I, 163

The foundation of descending Tien-Tao was established.

In the Green Yang Period, Ran-deng Buddha was ordered to incarnate into the mortal world,

And quietly selected two billion children to return to Wu-ji.

In the Red Yang Period, Sakyamuni Buddha was ordered to teach the mortal world again,

Another two billion children were ferried and returned to the Home in the West.

In the Green Yang Period and the Red Yang Period, a total of four billion children were ferried;

The rest ninety two billion are left behind and drift forever in the sea of suffering.

Now the White Yang Period begins and the time of Mi-Le Buddha has arrived;

Lao-Mu I ordered Tien-Ran to oversee Tao-pan and convert all in the whole world.

In Xian-tien, Lao-Mu I do not retain any Immortals, Buddhas, deities or Saints;

Together they all incarnate into and teach the mortal world and help laying the foundation of the Holy Mission.

Tien-Tao first ferries the poor, then the wealthy, then the official,

And then ferries kings and nobilities, lastly all nations, together all ascend the ladder to Heaven.

Now the time is very critical, so hurry to practice diligently;

Everyone should call upon his firm will to propagate Tien-Tao and wake up the lost.

Great is Heaven, great is Earth, yet Tao is the greatest;

Tien-Ming is the greatest, Lao-Mu My Decree is the greatest, and both are the most mystic and supreme.

If you practice truly according to the admonishments,

Lao-Mu I will decree Immortals and Buddhas to shelter children you in safety and comfort.

This will be extremely significant later on;

In the near future the time will arrive for the manifestation of the true secret.

Thousands and thousands of factions and religions will spread throughout the world;

Reciting spells, they order wind and storm to blow dust and rocks;

Pointing upward the sky cleaves, pointing downward the earth cracks, they relocate mountains and oceans;

Sitting on stools, they ascend to the sky; the witchcraft are even more bizarre;

By means of the Five Elements or the enchantments through yin and yang, they ride cloud and mist;

The varieties of witchcrafts could not be detailed.

At that time Lao-Mu I hope My Fu-zi will remember firmly;

If you follow them, you will lose the aureole and forever suffer the lament.

These are predestined in Heaven and will be revealed during the Third Period;

Embedded in theses are ingenious plans, and Lao-Mu I have My purpose.

In reality, the might of Heaven has always been held in Lao-Mu My hand;

When the time comes, Lao-Mu I will decree to make all witchcrafts vanish.

Then come to see the Formation of Thousands of Immortals, which is extremely exciting;

The Foolish Son and the Crazy Son 164 have great might,

Holding and waving the yellow flag in the air,

Calling out to order and all deities return to file.

Without the aid of these deities, all witchcrafts are ineffectual;

So with bare hands they can no longer resist.

All factions then pay homage to Mi-Le Buddha and return to the Truth,

Helping Mi-Le Buddha shine the aureole to pervade the Three Domains.

The wealthy thence will kneel in front of the poor;

Tao and virtues will extend to pervade throughout the world.

Wise Yuan-fu-zi, hurry to practice now;

Don’t wait until the ferry has set sail for then it is too late to make up.

Lao-Mu I admonish to here, the Three Powers are tired, so I stop the Ji-guan;

Meditate more and Lao-Mu I will continue to admonish in detail.





The time has come for the Cloud Castle to open to all;

He who answers the Three Treasures correctly is a royal  child;

The Ba-Da Jin-Gang show their solemnness;

He who answers the password erroneously will be casted to Hell.


Tenth, Lao-Mu I admonish Yuan-fu-zi, the letter will be completed;

The amassment of all souls is extremely important, so do not treat it lightly.

The Tao of the Three Ji 165 conveys the only Truth to let all fu-zi come ashore;

Throughout the world Golden Lotus Seats appear.

Tien-Tao can be categorized into Three Vehicles and the Truth is the Greater Vehicle;

Practicing the Truth is the Greater Vehicle; practicing the Qi, the Middle Vehicle; and practicing images, the Lesser Vehicle.

There is Heaven beyond Heavens and this saying is indeed true;

The Truth is Wu-ji, Qi is Tai-ji, while qian and kun is Huang-ji.

Wu-ji Realm is the Domain of Saints and the Kingdom of Bliss, and it is pure and quiescent;

Tai-ji Territory is the Abode of Sages, and is the turning of the Dharma Wheel 166 and the water mill; 167

Huang-ji Land is for commoners, animals, vegetation, birds and aquatic lives;

From these Three Vehicles can the Saints, Sages, and commoners be differentiated.

Those who practice for the soul and refine the True Self are practicing the utmost mystic Greater Vehicle;

Those who practice to subdue the dragon and tiger, 168 and circulate the Dharma Wheel are practicing the Zen meditation of the Middle Vehicle;

Those who relate only to shapes and forms are in the Lesser Vehicle and it is hard to convey the Truth to them;

By tapping wooden drums, reciting sutra and chanting verses, it is difficult to transcend the mortal world.

Nowadays, the way to transcend the mortal world is conveyed for the last time;

Those who awaken to It can attain Tao, those who receive It can transcend the mortal world, and to become Saints and Sages is up to you.

One Ten Eight Little Child 169 sits over the Central Continent; 170

A great boom of thunder wakes up the qian and kun throughout the world.

All in thousands of nations and the Nine Continents will be ferried.

Thousands and thousands of deities, Saints, Immortals, and Buddhas all gather in the Central Plain.

With one trial for the Three Worlds, destinies of all in the White Yang will be set;

All sinners will be brushed off and only the good and kind will be retained.

The sea of suffering will be transformed into the Precious Nation of Lotus;

The Eastern Earth will be altered into the Pure Land of the West.

The world with Huo-Fu 171 will last for forty years in happiness;

There will be no killings and all will do good deeds, so all living things will thrive;

Mountains will be bright, springs will be clear, the kirin 172 and phoenix will appear in the wild;

Oceans will remain calm and all congratulate each other for the peaceful and bountiful years;

Everyone will show mutual respect and care for others and there will not be any conflict;

The wind will be proper, the rainfall will be full, and the world of Emperor Yao will reappear.

All Buddhas will have fulfilled their vows by ferrying all the Nine Six;

Mi-Le Buddha will ascend the Sacred Altar to ordain peerage by calling out names;

All royal children will leave the sea of sufferings and board the shore of Heavenly Kingdom;

Tien-Ran Buddha will lead all Yuan-fu-zi to pay homage to Lao-Mu Me.

Till then can Lao-Mu My heart be comforted;

All who fulfill their great vows will have joy filled in their hearts.

So and so is the first to propagate Tien-Tao to new regions, so he is the first;

So and so accomplishes wonderful achievements so his peerage is the highest;

So and so donates wealth and devotes himself to propagating Tien-Tao so he attains a peerage in the highest rank;

So and so dedicates his whole life to Tao so he attains a peerage in the high grade with solemnity;

So and so keeps an altar so he becomes a Golden Immortal;

So and so preaches and lectures for Heaven so he attains a Lotus Seat;

So and so works hard for Tien-Tao so he becomes a Immortal;

So and so is diligent in practicing Tao so his rewards are plenty.

At that time the peerage will be divided into Three Grades and Nine Ranks; 173

Those Fu-zi who have merits will be filled with joy;

Among them, those who remains in the mortal world will attain both Sainthood and kingship,

Discard the mortal shell, attain the Saint body, and become Da-luo Immortals.

They will hurriedly wear the divine apparels with golden glitters,

Pin the gold flowers in their hair, wear the divine hat and flying shoes, and sit on the Lotus Seats.

They’ll kneel before Lao-Mu Me and I’ll pull them up with My hands,

Calling out “Lao-Mu My lovely child, now you have finally returned.

From now on I will never send you to the Eastern Earth,

Nor let you be a mortal to suffer.

Eat divine peaches and fruits, drink delicious fluids;

Enjoy the eternal happiness in the Kingdom of Bliss;

Flash your might to permeate Heaven and Earth;

Apply your mystic power to turn qian and kun.

The true Dharmakaya shows no shadow under the sun or moon;

It neither drowns in water nor burns in flames; it is eternal.

It is neither ruled by Heaven and Earth, nor governed by yin and yang;

It is immune to wind, frost, hear, or freezing.

It can penetrate golds and rocks and has no obstructions;

Without traces, you travel throughout the cosmos.

Nine generations of your ancestors and seven generation of your descendants together leave the sea of suffering,

Attain the same peerage as you do, and together exhibit solemnness.”

All Fu-zi will attend the banquet in the Wu-ji Palace;

At the Long-hua Assembly, all Saints, deities, Buddhas, and Immortals will gather.

One by one, they will come in front of Lao-Mu Me to pay homage;

Overwhelmed by joy Lao-Mu I am speechless.

Pour a cup of Bodhi Wine, 174 Lao-Mu I bestow to My children;

All Fu-zi will enjoy the Immortal banquet in euphoria.

At this grand reunion, this great gathering, everyone will be in ecstasy;

In the Wu-ji Palace all will applaud and cheer.

Only then the nobility and sublimeness of practicing Tien-Tao will show,

And Lao-Mu I will vindicate Lao-Mu My painstaking children, the Sages who are the pillars of Heaven.

The admonishments is now completed so Lao-Mu I retract the Ji-guan;

Imprint Lao-Mu My words in your hearts and repeat piously everyday.

This book is to be called Ten Admonishments from Huang-Mu to the Children;

Meditate a while for Lao-Mu I will admonish a few more words.





The admonishment is descended to garrison China;

Propagate and spread to ferry righteous families;

The good and Sages together board the shore of Bodhi;

Children sit on Lotus Seats upon fulfilling your vows.


Picking up the Ji-guan again, Lao-Mu I repeatedly instruct;

My children, be diligent and practice truly.

Hope Lao-Mu My children devote all the energy

In teaching those who are lost and do not listen.

The Kingdom of Bliss now is deserted;

To save the world, all Immortals and Buddhas descended to the Eastern Earth.

Four billion children had all incarnated into the mortal world;

Yet among them who knows his own root now?

Lift up the curtain and you can see the true original Lord;

Otherwise, when you regret, you can only cry in remorse.

Don’t ever miss this great opportunity;

When the golden rooster crows, Tien-Tao will spread throughout the world.

Take the advantage now when Tien-Tao is partially apparent and partially obscure;

Obey Lao-Mu My admonishment and practice sincerely step by step.

The copy of this admonishment carries many errors,

So hurry to make corrections after Lao-Mu I stop.

After you have finished, rush to print this book;

Print a lot of volumes to fulfill Lao-Mu My wish.

Build merits, cultivate virtues, and hurry to preach to and ferry others;

Bring salvation to all so together all can leave the pit of water and fire.

Lao-Mu I am through with the writing and will say not more.

Leading all Buddhas, Lao-Mu I ride the Imperial Carriage and return to the Heaven Palace.

Coming back after leaving Lao-Mu I cannot bear to leave My children;

Asking Fu-zi, are you going to practice truly?

When Lao-Mu I say this, tears with blood drop.

Do not treat Lao-Mu My words as wind blowing by your ears.

The road to Heaven or abyss is purely My children your choice.

If you slacken, forever you fall into the abyss.

Lao-Mu I will write no more so I say farewell to My children;

In tears, Lao-Mu I return to Li-tien.





1. Heaven Palace refers to the domain of Immortals, Buddhas, Saint and deities.

2. Zhu-Tien-Shen-Sheng means the Immortals, Buddhas, Saints, and deities in all Heavens.

3. Lao-Mu is the Mother of our True Selves. Her full title is “The Infinitely bright God, Who is absolutely pure and void, is the utmost supreme and divine, reigns the Three Domains and Ten Directions, and is the Lord of all souls.” The Three Domains are the Domain of Desires, Domain of Images, and the Domain of Non-images. Other names for Lao-Mu includes Huang-Mu, Lord of Wu-ji, Lao-Wu-Sheng, God, etc. Throughout this book, all references to Lao-Mu are printed in bold to express our reverence to God.

4. Kowtow is the act of kneeling on both knees, and bend forward so that the forehead touches the ground. This is a rite performed to pay homage to God.

5. Ji-guan is a writing instrument used in the process known as Fu-luan. Fu-luan is also known as Sand Writing. It serves as a way for human and supernatural beings to communicate. Fu-luan is done with three persons, each representing Heaven, Earth, and man. Since Heaven, Earth, and man are the Three Powers, these three persons are also referred as the Three Powers. The “Heaven Power” holds a Ji-guan and writes words in the sandbox sideways, the “Earth Power” records the writings on paper, and the “Man Power” speaks out loud the words. The Ji-guan is a wooden pencil attached to a wooden circle. It is also called Yu-heng.

6. Ha Ha is a laugh used as an expression by the deities to signify that the writing has concluded.

7. Heaven is used here to refer to God.

8. Tien-Tao means the road that leads to Heaven.

9. The Four Great Heaven Kings are responsible for guarding one of the four domains-East, South, West, and North-in Qi-tien (Heaven of Spirit). There are eight strata of Heaven in each of the four domains.

10. The Twenty-Eight Constellations refer to the twenty-eight Heaven Generals in charge of the twenty-eight constellations.

11. The Thunder Department, the Wind Department, The Tiger Department, and the Dragon Department are responsible for thunders, winds, clouds, and rains.

12. Xian-tien is the Void, Heaven of Truth, or Li-tien. It is present before Heaven and Earth and it still exists after Heaven and Earth destructs.

13. Hua Hua is an expression used to describe the sound made by Heaven Generals when they move around. Here it is used to signify that the writing has concluded.

14. Eight Trigrams represent the eight directions that the yin and yang permeates. The eight directions are east, west, south, north, northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest. Eight Trigrams also represent the cultivation of Heaven, Earth, mankind, substances, and all beings.

15. Nine Regions are the Eight Trigrams plus the center.

16. Dharma ferry means the ferry of the way to enlightenment. Dharma ferry is also known as the ferry to God’s kingdom or Golden ferry. It refers to Tien-Tao.

17. Zhang is an ancient measurement of length. Zhang-liu is one and six tenths Zhang. Here it is used to imply the solemnity of a Buddha.

18. Jin-gang literally means the hardest gem. It is used here to describe the indestructibility of the True Self.

19. Ba-Da Jin-Gang literally means the Eight Great Guards with Jin-gang body.

20. Pure Land of the West means the land of no emotions or desires, or Li-tien. It is also called the Kingdom of Bliss, Home in the West, Land in the West, Palace in the West, Heaven in the West, and Wu-ji Palace.

21. The South Heaven Gate refers to the Southern Gate of Heaven. There are four gates leading into the Heaven Palace. The only gate that is open is the South Heaven Gate, which leads directly to God’s Kingdom.

22. Incense is offered during the ceremony of transmitting Tien-Tao is made available to everyone has arrived.

23. Nan-Ji Shou-Xing is the first human to become an Immortal seven Cycles of Heaven and Earth ago. One Cycle of Heaven and Earth is one hundred twenty-nine thousand and six hundred years. The description in the paragraph fits his appearance.

24. The Eight Immortals were once humans and became Immortals at different times in the past.

25. Eastern Earth refers to the planet Earth.

26. Yu-heng is another term for Ji-guan. See Note 5.

27. The Four Nobles are Immortals, Buddhas, Saints and deities.

28. The Five Domains are Heaven, Earth, Human, Mountains and Water. Here it refers to the deities or spirits responsible for each region.

29. The Three Buddhas are Patriarch Jin-Gong, Tien-Ran Gu-Fu, and Hui-Ming Pu-Sa. They will meet at the Long-hua Assembly.

30. Bodhi is True Self.

31. The Golden Threads is the invisible road which is glittery like gold and leads to Heaven.

32. Nine Two refers to the remaining souls on Earth after the amassments of souls in the Green Yang Period and the Red Yang Period. See Note 71.

33. Buddha Nature is the True Self.

34. Sa means Bodhisattva, a Buddha who is yet to fulfill his vows. Tuo means a Buddha who enters Nirvana.

35. Da-luo is a Taoist term for Li-tien. A Da-luo Immortal is equivalent to a Saint or a Buddha.

36. Wan-Xian Pu-Sa is a title of some Immortals.

37. Wu-ji is the Void.

38. Brothers here refer to all humans.

39. The order of human relations refers to the Five Bonds-rulers be just to subjects, parents be benevolent to children, husbands and wives be differentiated, siblings be orderly, and friends be trustworthy.

40. The Three Heavens are Li-tien (Heaven of Truth), Qi-tien (Heaven of Spirit), and Xiang-tien (Heaven of Matter).

41. Yuan-Zhang here refers to the Chief Administrator of Examinations in the Three Heavens. Yuan-Zhang Mao-Tian is given the responsibility of testing the will and determination of the practitioners of Tao.

42. The Enlightened Teacher refers to Shi-Zhu and Shi-Mu. See Note 51 and 58.

43. Wu-Chan is the title of an Immortal. The Class of Wu refers to a class of three thousand Immortals who all received Tien-Tao, are listed under the group Wu, and are led by Wu-Chan.

44. Mao-Meng is the title of an Immortal. The Class of Mao refers to a class of three thousand Immortals who all received Tien-Tao, are listed under the group Mao, and are led by Mao-Meng.

45. The Nine continents refer to the entire world.

46. Jiao-Hua Pu-Sa is the title of an Immortal. The Class of Yun refers to a class of three thousand Immortals who all received Tien-Tao, are listed under the group Yun, and are led by Jiao-Hua Pu-Sa.

47. Chong-Hua Altar is the Altar under our Enlightened Teacher Zhang Tien-Ran.

48. Di-Zang Buddha is the Buddha responsible for the entire Underworld.

49. Tien-Ming means the Divine Mission from God to convey Tien-Tao.

50. Nine six is a number used t imply all beings in the world, Nine represents yang or male, while six represents yin or female. Sometimes, it is referred as “Ninety-six Billion.”

51. Nan-Ping Ji-gong is our Shi-Zun (the Reverent Teacher), Ji-Gong Buddha. To convey Tien-Tao, He incarnated as our Enlightened Teacher Zhang Tien-Ran, who is conferred the title Tien-Ran Gu-Fu by God after returning to Heaven.

52. Huang means the Supreme Lord of Three Heavens. Mu is an abbreviation for Lao-Mu. Huang-Mu is a reverent title for Lao-Mu.

53. Guan-Sheng means the Saint Guan. His full title is Guan-ShengDi-Jun (theKing Saint Guan). Chun-Yang is the name of theImmortal LüDong-bin.

54. Zhang-ba is one and eight tenth Zhang.

55. Justices here refer to those who uphold and execute the laws ofHeaven. There are four Justices - Guan-Sheng Di-Jun, Lü Chun-yang (Lü Dong-bin), Huan-Hou Grand Emperor Zhang, and Marshall Yue.Huan-Hou Grand Emperor is King Huan-Hou with the last nameZhang. This is a title ordained by Lao-Mu. He is known for hisbravery and loyalty. Marshall Yue is known for his loyalty to hiscountry.

56. I-Kuan means that One pervades all and all will return to One.I-Kuan Dharma Ferry refers to Tien-Tao.

57. The Four Seas refer to the whole world.

58. Yue-Hui Pu-Sa is our Shi-Mu (the Mother Teacher). To conveyTien-Tao, She incarnated as Sun Hui-Ming, who is conferred thetitle Hui-Ming Pu-Sa by God after returning toHeaven.

59. Qian is a trigram used to represent male, the Sun, Heaven, or theTrue Self. Kun is a trigram used to represent female, the Moon,Earth, or Life.

60. Gang-Feng is the Last Catastrophe and is like the explosion ofnuclear bombs.

61. Nan-Hai Pu-Sa, Pu-Xian Pu-Sa and Wen-Shu Pu-Sa are all Bodhisattvaswho were once Buddhas. These titles were ordained tothem three thousand years ago during Sakyamuni Buddha's time.

62. Prophet Mohammed is the founder of Islam.

63. Jesus Christ is respected as the founder of Christianity.

64. Tao-Teh Ching is written by Lao-tzu.

65. Gong-chang refers to two Chinese characters. By combining thesetwo characters, they form another Chinese character Zhang, thelast name of Tien-Ran Gu-Fu.

66. Tai-Shang Lao-Jun is the title of Lao-tzu, who is respected as thefounder of Taoism.

67. Svaha is Sanskrit, which means auspicious ending.

68. Paramita is Sanskrit, which means to reach the other shore. The other shore refers to God's kingdom.

69. Xi-Tien Ru-Lai is Sakyamuni Buddha, who is respected as thefounder of Buddhism.

70. The Greatest Saint Da-Cheng and King Wen-Xuan are titlesbestowed to Confucius. Kong is the last name ofConfucius, who is respected as the founder of Confucianism.

71. White Yang is the last of the Three Yang Periods. Souls areamassed in Three Yang Periods--the Green Yang Period, the RedYang Period, and the White Yang Period.

72. Ru-Tong Jin-Gong refers to Patriarch Jin-Gong.

73. Children Yun and Bao are two child Immortals who follow by theside of Lao-Mu.

74. Xi Xi refers to the laughter of children. Here it is used to signifythe conclusion of the writing.

75. Yuan-zi is also known as Yuan-fu-zi, or the original Buddha children.Yuan-zi are the True Selves of humans.

76. The "Three Powers" are Heaven, Earth, and man. Here, theyrefer to the three persons doing Fu-luan. See Note 5.

77. Yi-xi is a sigh.

78. Qi-tien is Heaven of Spirit.

79. Xiang-tien is Heaven of Matter.

80. Tien-pan is the domain of Heaven, Earth, and man.

81. The Three Worlds are the spiritual world, the human world, andthe Underworld.

82. Tien-Ran refers to our Enlightened Teacher, Tien-Ran Gu-fu.

83. “Ninety-six billion” implies all the souls. It is another term for NineSix. See Note 50.

84. Kingdom of Bliss is Li-tien, which is of eternal happiness.

85. Green dragon is an elegant animal that can drive clouds andprecipitate rain. Colorful phoenix is pretty and rare. Both arerides for Immortals and Buddhas in Heaven.

86. By wearing flying shoes and divine apparels one can ride theclouds and be immune to freeze or heat. This is another way ofdescribing the carefreeness of Heaven.

87. Zi Phase is the first Phase of a Cycle of Heaven and Earth. A Phaseis ten thousand and eight hundred years. There are twelve Phasesin a Cycle of Heaven and Earth. The names of the Phases areZi,Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai.

88. Qi means spirit.

89. Tai-ji is yang andyin.

90. Huang-ji means all between Heaven and Earth.

91. Tri-Peaks is where God and humans first separated. Tri-Peaksrefers to the point of separation of the Three Domains- theDomain of Desires, the Domain of Images, and the Domain ofNon-images. A human must transcend the Three Domains inorder to see God.

92. The Grand Immortal Pool implies that the incarnation of a soulis like falling into the sea of suffering.

93. The East refers to the Earth.

94. Ling-Miao means all the mysticisms of soul. It is also a title of ourEnlightened Teacher Tien-Ran Gu-Fu.

95. Tao-pan means the entire mission of making Tien-Tao availableto the Three Worlds.

96. The golden lock refers to the Right Portal.

97. The Soul Mountain is the origin of all souls. Everyone has a SoulMountain within his heart. Taoists call it Kunlun Mountain. Buddhistscall it Xu-mi Mountain.

98. A quote from The Confucian Analects.

99. The Supreme Greater Vehicle is used to imply the highestDharma of practicing Tao.

100.The Three Domains are the Domain of Desires, the Domain ofImages, and the Domain of Non-images. These are Buddhistterms.

101.Two Nine is two times nine, or eighteen. This means the finalamassment of the souls will begin with the Eighteenth Patriarch.

102.Jie-qiao is the process which God, Immortals, Buddhas or Saintstemporarily occupies the body of a person as a way to communicatewith humans through conversations.

103.Yin-shan is beneath Hell. Souls casted there will not be able toleave until the next Cycle of Heaven and Earth.

104.Gong-fuis the practice of restoring the True Self.

105.The highest peerage implies becoming an Immortal, a Buddha ora Saint.

106.Each lotus leaf signifies a merit. For a lotus seat to contain overa thousand lotus leaves, the practitioner has to establish a lot ofmerits.

107.Dharmakaya is Sanskrit, which means the pure spiritual image ofthe True Self uponenlightenment.

108.The Three Awes are: to stand in awes of Tien-Ming, to stand inawes of those who are enlightened, and to stand in awes of thewords of Saints.

109.The Nine Considerations are: in regard to sights, see clearly; inregard to audition, hear distinctly; in regard to. countenance, bebenign; in regard to demeanor, express respects; in regard to speech, speak sincerely; in regard to chores, approach carefully;in regard to doubts, consider questioning; in regard to anger,contemplate dangers; in regard to gain, cogitate righteousness.

110.The Three Self-Examinations are: reflecting upon oneself threetime each day if one has done his best to preach God's Truth, ifone has been truthful, and if one has practiced what one learnedabout Tao.

111.The Four No Evils are see no evils, hear no evils, speak no evils,and do no evils.

112.TheTen Directions are north, northeast, east, southeast, south,southwest, west, northwest, above, and below.

113.The Four Images are the youngyang, the old yang, the youngyin,and the old yin.

114.The Five Elements in the universe are metal, wood, water, fire andearth.

115.Every five days constitute a Proper Period. Thus six Proper Periods constitute a month.

116.The Seven Departments are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, the Sun, and the Moon.

117.Wu-Wei is the state of having no desires or thoughts.

118.In ancient time, Heaven was divided into nine strata. Beyond the ninth stratum is Wu-Ji.

119.One here refers to Tao or the True One.

120.The Three Saints are Lao-tzu, Confucius, and Sakyamuni Buddha.

121.Nirvana is attained when the practice is perfected and merits are fulfilled. It is the state where the soul forever leaves the flesh and transcends from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

122.Long-hua Assembly is where the Three Buddhas will select and confer peerage in Heaven to practitioners of Tao.

123.The seven emotions are happiness, rage, sadness, joyousness, love, hatred, and lust.

124.The six desires are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

125.The world with five filthy elements refers the mortal world.

The five filthy elements refer to drinking, being lustful, greed, anger, and smoking. These are Buddhist terms.

126.Hou-tien describes the space where all lives live after Heaven and Earth was created.

127.Mirror of Sins is in the Underworld. The soul of the deceased can see all its sins throughout the life time when it stands in front of the Mirror.

128.Deep Frying Pot is one of the tortures for the souls in the Underworld where the soul is deep fried.

129.Nai River is the river in the Underworld where all the filth is gathered.

130.The Cycle refers to the Cycle of Heaven and Earth.

131.The original text should be translated as “three autumn.” The number “one” represents spring; “two” summer; and “three” autumn. The color white represents autumn. Thus, the final autumn refers to the White Yang Period.

132.Nine Nine means nine times nine or eighty one. “Nine Nine” is the eighty first, or the final, catastrophe-the Gang-feng (see footnote 60). Gang-feng is also expressed as the Nine Nine Catastrophe.

133.The Three Orders are the orders regarding kings and ministers, parents and children, and husbands and wives.

134.The Five Constants are benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and faith. These are also known as the Five Virtues.

135.The Five Bonds are: rulers be just to subjects, parents be benevolent to children, husbands and wives be differentiated, siblings be orderly, and friends be trustworthy.

136.The Eight Cardinal Virtues are filial devotion, brotherly love, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, justice, integrity, and knowing shame.

137.The Three Followings of Buddhism are to follow the Buddha, to follow the Dharma, and to follow the Sangha.

138.The Five Disciplines are not to kill, not to steal, not to be lustful, not to fancy, and not to drink.

139.Wisdom Eye is the eye that can see the Truth in scriptures, the past lives, the future lives, and the good and bad karma.

140.Water, Fire and Wind are the effects of the Gang-feng Catastrophe.

141.Bells are used to sound hours. Here, to ring the golden bell implies so sound warnings to humans.

142.The Messengers of God are those who are ordained to convey Tien-Tao to others for the Enlightened Teacher.

143.Thirty-six hundred Saints and forty eight thousand Sages are the number of peerages to be conferred at the Long-hua Assembly.

144.Both the spaceless golden lock and the spaceless pagoda refer to the Right Portal.

145.The spaceless key is the pointing by the Enlightened Teacher.

146.The priceless true treasure refers to the aureole.

147.The Five Thunders are the thunder of Heaven, the thunder of Earth, the thunder of yang the thunder of yin, and the thunder of Dharma.

148.The Three Followings (for women) of Confucianism are to follow the father before marriage, to follow the husband after marriage, and to follow the son after husband dies.

149.The Four Womanly Merits are dignity, virtues, proper expressions, and housekeeping.

150.Cha-bu means to investigate and substitute. Cha-bu Tao-pan means the Period when one must fulfill his vows before Tao is revealed to him.

151.The name of Jiang Tai-gong is Jiang Shang. Tai-gong is his title. He is known for his help to King Wu in establishing the Zhou Dynasty.

152.King Wen is the father of King Wu. He is known for his work in establishing interpretations of the sixty-four hexagrams to foretell changes.

153.Qiu Chang-chun lived during the South Song Dynasty. As one of the successors to the Taoism heritage, he propagated that the Truth imbedded in the three great religions is the same. After he attained Tao, he was ranked the first among all Immortals.

154.Princess Miao-Shan is the name of Nan-Hoi Pu-Sa. During the Red Yang Period, She is also known as Guan-Yin Pu-Sa (Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva). In order to help the female practitioners, she begged for God’s permission to let her incarnate as female in the Kingdom of Xing-lin in India. After she attained Tao, she performed miracles in Pu-tuo Mountain in Southern China.

155.Sun Bu-er lived during the South Song Dynasty. She gave up her wealth and defaced herself to show how determined she was to practice Tao.

156.Dan-tian is the essence of Life in the human body.

157.Huang-ya is the True Water.

158.Three Thousand refer to the entire Milky Way Galaxy.

159.Three Classes are the three treasures of the body: vitality, spirit (Qi), and soul.

160.Three Flowers also refers to the three treasures of the body: vitality, spirit (Qi), and soul.

161.The Five Qi are the Qi associated with the five internal organs and the five fundamental elements – the Qi of the heart (fire), the Qi of the liver (wood), the Qi of the spleen (earth), the Qi of the lungs (metal), and the Qi of the kidney (water).

162.Fu-xi is the first Patriarch of Tao. He lived over seven thousand years ago.

163.I literally is changes. There are three attributes to I – the Non-change, the Chang, and the Interaction.

164.The Foolish Son refers to Patriarch Mi-Le Buddha. The Crazy Son refers to our Enlightened Teacher Ji-Gong Buddha. Foolish here implies simple and hones; crazy here implies innocent and humorous.

165.Three Ji are Wu-ji, Tai-ji, and Huang-ji.

166.When Dharma wheel turns, all emotions and desires will be crushed, and eventually, one will be enlightened.

167. When the water mill turns, the Qi flows inside the body without hindrance, and eventually, the Immortal embryo will be formed.

168.The dragon represents the element wood. Wood can generate fire. The tiger represents the element metal. Metal gives rise to water. To subdue the dragon and the tiger means to descend the fire and ascend the water so they complement each other. These are Taoist terms.

169.“One Ten Eight Little Child” hints a person.

170.The Central Continent refers to China.

171.Huo-Fu literally means living Buddha. One who attains Buddhahood before entering Nirvana is called a Huo-Fu.

172.Kirin is the most benevolent animal on Earth. Unicorn is a species of kirin.

173.Peerage in Heaven is divided into three Grades. Each Grade has three Ranks.

174.Bodhi Wine is the spiritual energy bestowed by God to our True Selves.撸撸射
